» » Sierra The Poachers (1974)

Sierra The Poachers (1974) Online

Sierra The Poachers (1974) Online
Original Title :
The Poachers
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Drama
Year :
Cast :
Jacques Aubuchon,Susan Foster,Jack Hogan
Writer :
Robert A. Cinader
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Sierra The Poachers (1974) Online

The rangers discover evidence of a poaching ring in park boundaries. They put all their resources into apprehending the criminals before the deer are decimated.
Episode credited cast:
Jacques Aubuchon Jacques Aubuchon - Mikhail
Susan Foster Susan Foster - Ranger Julie Beck
Jack Hogan Jack Hogan - Chief Ranger Jack Moore
James G. Richardson James G. Richardson - Ranger Tim Cassidy
Ernest Thompson Ernest Thompson - Ranger Matt Harper
Michael Warren Michael Warren - Ranger P.J. Lewis