» » The Last Blow Job (2001)

The Last Blow Job (2001) Online

The Last Blow Job (2001) Online
Original Title :
The Last Blow Job
Genre :
Movie / Short
Year :
Directror :
Lutz Lemke
Cast :
Markus Knüfken,Ulrich Bähnk,Stefan Weinert
Writer :
Lutz Lemke,David Svoboda
Type :
Time :
Rating :
The Last Blow Job (2001) Online

Cast overview:
Markus Knüfken Markus Knüfken - Mark
Ulrich Bähnk Ulrich Bähnk - Tim
Stefan Weinert Stefan Weinert - Einsatzleiter

User reviews

Wooden Purple Romeo

Wooden Purple Romeo

For starters, the other comment on this short seems to be a mistake. There are no meteorites in this movie, neither do the characters named in that post appear.

"The Last Blow Job" is about two bomb technicians on site. While trying to disarm a bomb one of the two starts to talk about relations and we learn that the two were a couple. All in all you get 15 minutes of nice entertainment with an interesting twist in the end. The camera work and editing might be worth mentioning. While during the main part of the movie we only see 2 actors and only hear their dialogue, the way the story is represented keeps showing new ways of presenting the story and the movie never gets boring. Not art, not anything you have never seen before but entertaining and -i an way- funny. 7/10


The short film genre is actually a really popular one for gay-themed short films. Usually, these are about first love, a crush on a heterosexual and just sexual confusion in general. This one here is something else. Actually the two protagonists' relationship is about to end. Both work as bomb technicians and the title is obviously a reference about their profession. Sadly, one of the two does not want to accept the break-up and is at least as much of a psychopath as the guys whose bombs they are helping to stop from exploding. The one problem I had with this short film was that Markus Knüfken (a pretty known actor in Germany) does not have 1% homosexuality about his behavior, physical appearance or voice. This made it really difficult to completely understand and appreciate the story in here. But then again, the story is not particularly great either and even at this short runtime of only 15 minutes, it began to drag a bit while they were working on the bomb in the first 10 minutes. All in all, I believe this is not a particularly memorable movie. Pity. Not recommended. Oh yeah, the writer and director is Lutz Lemke, his only credit in these two films though, probably as he is one of Germany's finest visual effects artists and he worked on the likes of "Perfume" and "Das Experiment".