» » Mercy (2015)

Mercy (2015) Online

Mercy (2015) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama / Family
Year :
Directror :
Maria Morancho
Cast :
Korah Knight,Yvonne Murphy,Maya Rollnick
Writer :
Maria Morancho
Type :
Time :
Rating :

One daughter - two mothers. A child's take on mother's love.

Mercy (2015) Online

Young girl Mercy, needs to tell the truth. But what is the truth? As she tries to make sense of recent events and her uncertain future, Mercy, with her child's view of the world, raises questions about adoption, mental health, the law and mother's love.
Credited cast:
Korah Knight Korah Knight - Mr. J - Social Worker
Yvonne Murphy Yvonne Murphy - Elsa - Mercy's Foster Mother
Maya Rollnick Maya Rollnick - Mercy
Carla Turner Carla Turner - Sarah - Mercy's Birth Mother