The General calls an officer and sends him out to get information of the enemy's position. Moonlight reconnoiter of scout, but, hearing the enemy, dismounts and proceeds on foot. Falls into... See full summary
A Russian Spy (1910) Online

The General calls an officer and sends him out to get information of the enemy's position. Moonlight reconnoiter of scout, but, hearing the enemy, dismounts and proceeds on foot. Falls into an ambush, is captured and taken before an officers' council at a country inn, and imprisoned in a cellar. A maid servant, who has recognized an old friend, goes to the cellar and schemes for his escape. After holding revelry (introducing a fine Russian dance), the officers leave a sentry on guard at the entrance of the cellar. Escape of the captive and return of officers, who question the sentry, and on hearing explanation, send for the girl, who is condemned to death. The heroine is taken into the woods to be shot, when, by the timely arrival of the friendly force. She is saved.
Released in the US as a split reel along with Tropical Java of the South Sea Islands (1910).