The oldest members, Messrs. Hopkins, Perkins and Simpson have the floor at the Club. Their warm arguments in favor of the Bull Moose candidate outvie the Wilson parade which is passing. ... See full summary
The Election Bet (1912) Online

The oldest members, Messrs. Hopkins, Perkins and Simpson have the floor at the Club. Their warm arguments in favor of the Bull Moose candidate outvie the Wilson parade which is passing. They ridicule the idea of anyone but the hero of San Juan Hill winning the election. Mr. Hart who is an ardent Wilson supporter becomes annoyed at their conversation and the following bet is arranged. Hart is to give each one thousand dollars if Roosevelt is elected and if Wilson is the fortunate candidate they are to dress as small children about the age of eight and play a succession of juvenile games in the open. This is rejected as a ridiculous proposition, for the three old men are bald beaded and long bearded and being men of great means they feel that such an exhibition would be a blow to their dignity. However, the arguments of the other club members and the certainty of Roosevelt's election, induce them to consent to the bet. Wilson is elected and the conditions of the wager are insisted upon,...
Released as a split reel along with the documentary A Trip Through the Cincinnati Zoo (1912).