» » Sugarhook (2011)

Sugarhook (2011) Online

Sugarhook (2011) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short
Year :
Directror :
Troy Heard
Cast :
Brenda Grippi,Pj Perez,Dwayne Kennedy
Writer :
Troy Heard,Daniel Lowber
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Sugarhook (2011) Online

Vanessa Black escaped the burned-out suburbs of Flint, Michigan to attain wild success as lead singer of rock band Sugarhook, only to spiral back to Earth -- and crash hard. Now she's cleaned up and making a comeback. But can she shake off the ghosts of her past?
Credited cast:
Brenda Grippi Brenda Grippi - Vanessa Black
Pj Perez Pj Perez - Interviewer
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Dwayne Kennedy Dwayne Kennedy - D.K.
Gus Langley Gus Langley - Gus
Anne Davis Mulford Anne Davis Mulford - Anna Treadwell