» » Chickens in Turkey (1919)

Chickens in Turkey (1919) Online

Chickens in Turkey (1919) Online
Original Title :
Chickens in Turkey
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Marcel Perez
Cast :
Marcel Perez,Flo Bailey,Pierre Collosse
Writer :
Marcel Perez
Type :
Rating :
Chickens in Turkey (1919) Online

Credited cast:
Marcel Perez Marcel Perez - Twede-Dan (as Twede-Dan)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Flo Bailey Flo Bailey
Pierre Collosse Pierre Collosse
Dorothy Earle Dorothy Earle

User reviews



When a yacht owned and crewed only by women sails up to the shores of Turkey, the only man in sight is Marcel Perez. When he comes aboard, the young lovelies dress him in woman's clothing so the man-hungry owner won't grab him. Soon, however, pirates seize everyone and sell the women to a Turkish Pasha, who is particularly taken with the lovely Marcel. Only Dorothy Earle had escaped the pirates' notice, so she dresses in men's clothing to rescue everyone.

The copy of this gender-bending comedy that appears on the MARCEL PEREZ vol. 2 dvd does not survive in topnotch shape -- there's some decomposition, and censors had gotten their hands on the print, removing things that would offend Pennsylvanians a century ago, but the essentially dizziness has not only survived, its moment has come! Good comedy is what makes people laugh; great comedy turns your world upside down and suddenly, things make more sense that way. This year, we seem to be living inside Perez' comedy. We'll see what happens next year.