» » Black Dust (2016)

Black Dust (2016) Online

Black Dust (2016) Online
Original Title :
Black Dust
Genre :
Movie / Short / Action / Adventure / Drama / Horror / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Jack Thompson
Cast :
Nate Baker,Nathan Christos,Hannah Dickenson
Writer :
Jack Thompson
Budget :
AUD 1,200
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Black Dust (2016) Online

Black Dust, is the story of three scavengers, Leo, Jarred and Jacey, who run into an unknown beast in the wild while on a scavenging task and their camp town of 'Red Plate', a makeshift home of tents, scrap and junk and farmers. It is their task to warn the camp of the danger that stalks them, and to convenience 'Marcus', the camps leader to take their people to a safer land.
Credited cast:
Nate Baker Nate Baker - Jarred Ross
Nathan Christos Nathan Christos - Leo Creed
Hannah Dickenson Hannah Dickenson - Villager #2
Ben Hadgkiss Ben Hadgkiss - Villager #3
Luke Jones Luke Jones - Kyle Borm
Chance Karlsson Chance Karlsson - Farmer Villager #2
Mao Lok Mao Lok - Farmer Villager #1
Isaak Sheperdson Isaak Sheperdson - Villager #4
Blake Temple Blake Temple - The Twisted
Anthony Thomas Anthony Thomas - Marcus Creed
Jack Thompson Jack Thompson - Villager #5
Liz Tyson Liz Tyson - Villager #1
Ashley Waterman Ashley Waterman - Jacey Creed

'Black Dust', was originally a shorter short film, which was revamped.