» » Captain Scarlet The Homecoming (2005)

Captain Scarlet The Homecoming (2005) Online

Captain Scarlet The Homecoming (2005) Online
Original Title :
The Homecoming
Genre :
TV Episode / Animation / Action / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
David Lane
Cast :
Wayne Forester,Robbie Stevens,Emma Tate
Writer :
Gerry Anderson,Phil Ford
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Captain Scarlet The Homecoming (2005) Online

Spectrum scrambles as a strange craft enters Earth's atmosphere. Investigating the landed object reveals it is an escape pod carrying one survivor from the first manned Jupiter mission believed destroyed 15 years before. The survivor is Lieutenant Green's father. Green is overjoyed at the news, but others have doubts that he may be a Mysteron replicant. Scarlet has to decide the truth about the survivor and what the real aims of the Mysterons are
Episode cast overview:
Wayne Forester Wayne Forester - Captain Scarlet (voice)
Robbie Stevens Robbie Stevens - Captain Blue (voice)
Emma Tate Emma Tate - Destiny Angel (voice)
Mike Hayley Mike Hayley - Colonel White (voice)
Jules de Jongh Jules de Jongh - Lieutenant Green (voice)
Nigel Plaskitt Nigel Plaskitt - Doctor Gold (voice)
William Roberts William Roberts - Commander Guy Lewis (voice)
Jeremy Hitchen Jeremy Hitchen - Major Franks (voice)