» » Surcos (1951)

Surcos (1951) Online

Surcos (1951) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
José Antonio Nieves Conde
Cast :
Luis Peña,María Asquerino,Francisco Arenzana
Writer :
Eugenio Montes,José Antonio Nieves Conde
Type :
Time :
1h 44min
Rating :
Surcos (1951) Online

The struggles of a Spanish family as it emigrates from the country to Madrid circa 1950.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Luis Peña Luis Peña - El Mellao
María Asquerino María Asquerino - Pili (as Maruja Asquerino)
Francisco Arenzana Francisco Arenzana - Pepe
Marisa de Leza Marisa de Leza - Tonia
Ricardo Lucía Ricardo Lucía - Manolo Pérez (as Ricardo Lucia)
José Prada José Prada - Manuel Pérez (as Jose Prada)
Félix Dafauce Félix Dafauce - Don Roque 'El Chamberlain' (as Felix Dauface)
María Francés María Francés - La madre (as Maria Frances)
Carmen Sánchez Carmen Sánchez - Tía (as Carmen Sanchez)
Montserrat Carulla Montserrat Carulla - Rosario
Manuel de Juan Manuel de Juan
Mary Merche Mary Merche
Francisco Bernal Francisco Bernal - Espabilao
José María Martín José María Martín - (as Jose Mª Martin)
José Villasante José Villasante - (as Jose Villasante)

Hidden cameras used for some scenes.Some people and some police are real and didn't know they are acting in a movie.

"Surcos", the title of the film, means furrows in English. A field with furrows lefts by a plow is shown at the beginning and the end of the movie as credits background. Furthermore, a signboard on a wall, with the word "SURCOS", also appears in the film without an apparent logical sense. It is front of Chamberlain's garage and only is shown once on a night scene.

User reviews



It don't seems logic that Franco's ideological censors allowed a realistic history based on poor situation in Madrid in 50's early. But the dictatorship's target was to dissuade these people than want to left your rural work and change to a urban way of life while the Spanish industrial development level of these years couldn't yet get job to a lot of workers. 'Surcos' is like a Italian 'neorealistic' film, but also has a highest technical level, with influence from the European (mainly German) expressionism. A great b&w photo, and a good work of players. A 'rara avis' in the Spanish cinematography from these years. Later, the director J.A. Nieves Conde, had a sad career,so far in all ways from 'Surcos'.