A professional pianist is beloved by a young man whose parents believe that a wife should he of the good, old fashioned variety, who can prepare Hungarian goulash or make a feather bed, and... See full summary
A Domestic Treasure (1912) Online

A professional pianist is beloved by a young man whose parents believe that a wife should he of the good, old fashioned variety, who can prepare Hungarian goulash or make a feather bed, and are strongly opinionated against women who live by art alone. To prove that his choice is a housekeeper of the first water, he induces her to accept a position of slavey in his parents' home. Here, by catering to their stomachs and comforts generally, she endears herself completely to the hearts of the old folks. The plot is finally revealed with blessings all around. The couple have so many children who are so musical that the family becomes a veritable domestic symphony.
Original French title is undetermined.
Released in the US as a split reel along with the documentary The Gorges of Albuquerque (1912).