Comic Belief (2008) Online
"Comic Belief" is a hybrid animation/live action short that tells the story of a young man, his friends, his work, his life, and his doodles. When Justin doodles, he creates a superhero comic world, where every character in his real life has an alter ego. In the "Team Freedom" adventures, Dr. Justice always comes out on top; in Justin's real life? Not so much.
Credited cast: | |||
Kimmy Gatewood | - | Charla Veray (as Kim Gatewood) | |
Kabir Hamid | - | Ian Twist | |
James Oakes | - | Seamus O'Dell | |
J.J. Orgera | - | Alissa | |
Michael Strelow | - | Ty Mannington | |
Jesse R. Tendler | - | Justin Soderstrom | |
Erica Watson | - | Henrietta |