» » What Women Want Powering Up Your Presence (2017– )

What Women Want Powering Up Your Presence (2017– ) Online

What Women Want Powering Up Your Presence (2017– ) Online
Original Title :
Powering Up Your Presence
Genre :
TV Episode / Talk Show
Year :
Cast :
Ashlee Glazer,Judy Goss,Jill Simonian
Writer :
Judy Goss
Type :
TV Episode
Rating :
What Women Want Powering Up Your Presence (2017– ) Online

TV personality/founder of FabMom.com Jill Simonian came on the show to talk about her experience in anchoring a high profile entertainment show and then suddenly becoming pregnant and, well, freaked out. And whether you're a mom or not, celebrity makeup artist Ashlee Glazer uncovered the latest trends in looking good and how she deals with backstage antics of some of her personal experiences on the red carpet and during weddings. Listen in to power up your presence with our guests and Judy Goss and Kristin West.
Episode credited cast:
Ashlee Glazer Ashlee Glazer - Herself - Guest
Judy Goss Judy Goss - Herself - Host
Jill Simonian Jill Simonian - Herself - Guest
Kristin West Kristin West - Herself - Co-Host