The principal character is a poor organ grinder who, finishing his meal in a squalidly furnished garret apartment, is unceremoniously bundled up with organ and umbrella and is sent out by ... See full summary
The Thieving Umbrella (1907) Online

The principal character is a poor organ grinder who, finishing his meal in a squalidly furnished garret apartment, is unceremoniously bundled up with organ and umbrella and is sent out by his athletic wife. Walking down the street, he comes to the tavern, handing his means of a livelihood to the tavern keeper, sits down comfortably at one of the tables and is sent with a drink. Presently a friend appears, whom he hails, and the two step into the interior of the building, leaving the umbrella outside. As soon as the owner is out of sight the umbrella opens up and flies away. Then follow a series of comical adventures in which the umbrella acts in the leading role. The organ grinder, returning to his table misses his umbrella and goes off in scan of it Meeting a woman with a basket on her arm he accosts her to make inquiry about his loss. While the two are conversing the umbrella comes to earth and attaches to itself some of the contents of her basket, after which act it flies away. ...
Original French title is undetermined.