» » Weekend (1980)

Weekend (1980) Online

Weekend (1980) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Year :
Directror :
Rolf von Sydow
Cast :
Paul Ruven,Hannelore Elsner,Herbert Herrmann
Type :
Rating :
Weekend (1980) Online

Credited cast:
Paul Ruven Paul Ruven - Eef
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Hannelore Elsner Hannelore Elsner
Herbert Herrmann Herbert Herrmann
Michaela May Michaela May
Petra Verena Milchert Petra Verena Milchert
Lilli Palmer Lilli Palmer - Schauspielerin Judith Bliss
Peter Pasetti Peter Pasetti
Reiner Schöne Reiner Schöne
Erna Sellmer Erna Sellmer
Christian Wolff Christian Wolff

User reviews



This production was done for German TV in 1980 as a showcase for the international star Lilli Palmer who was stunning. The rest of the cast may be known to German audiences but as I am not German not to me personally. But I know the play and this production keeps the period setting and costumes to perfection. Miss Palmer plays a stage Actress surrounded by her son and daughter and Husband in their country home. It is the weekend and they have four house guests who are bewildered and comically abused by the eccentric family who has invited them. It is a classic Noel Coward company from the 1920s often revived in London and New York and this is a worthy adoption though you have to understand German to fully appreciate it. But Miss Palmer in beautiful costumes makes it worth the visit even if you do not understand the German language and all the more so since she was a close friend of the then already late Mr Noel Coward.