» » 7 Stages of the Closet (2013)

7 Stages of the Closet (2013) Online

7 Stages of the Closet (2013) Online
Original Title :
7 Stages of the Closet
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Tylyn Anson
Writer :
Tylyn Anson
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :

What is the price we pay for hiding ourselves? A film in seven movements, grappling with the question: Is it worth it to be who we truly are?

7 Stages of the Closet (2013) Online

What is the price we pay for hiding ourselves? What do we lose by revealing ourselves? Most importantly, what is the reward for being honest with ourselves? 7 Stages of the Closet explores these questions using the visual language of abstract cinema. A film in 7 movements, all grappling with the final point of each of those questions: Is it worth it to reveal ourselves?
Credited cast:
Carey Rowanoak Carey Rowanoak - Hir / Shhe