» » Best of VICE Canada On Hold: Canadian Transgender Healthcare Access: Part #1 (2015–2016)

Best of VICE Canada On Hold: Canadian Transgender Healthcare Access: Part #1 (2015–2016) Online

Best of VICE Canada On Hold: Canadian Transgender Healthcare Access: Part #1 (2015–2016) Online
Original Title :
On Hold: Canadian Transgender Healthcare Access: Part #1
Genre :
TV Episode
Year :
Directror :
Stephanie Brown
Writer :
Patrick McGuire
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Best of VICE Canada On Hold: Canadian Transgender Healthcare Access: Part #1 (2015–2016) Online

Transgender health access is a rarely discussed but highly contentious topic in Canada. While nine out of ten provinces offer some access to some surgeries-though there is only one hospital, in Montreal, that provides the full gamut of treatments-New Brunswick stands alone by not offering any funded procedures to transgender individuals. In part 1 of On Hold, we went to Fredericton to let AJ Ripley, a non-binary transgender person who prefers the pronouns "they and them," take us through their life in New Brunswick fighting for access to proper health services. Watch our documentary On Hold to hear from transgender patients who are desperately battling for fair treatment in the healthcare system, and doctors and experts who say providing this care is possible, and in fact the difference between life and death.
Episode credited cast:
A.J. Ripley A.J. Ripley - Themselves - Host