» » Veterans in Blue Brian T Shirley (2016)

Veterans in Blue Brian T Shirley (2016) Online

Veterans in Blue Brian T Shirley (2016) Online
Original Title :
Veterans in Blue Brian T Shirley
Genre :
Movie / Documentary / Short / Comedy / Drama / Family
Year :
Directror :
Andrew Fox
Cast :
Drew Howard,Drew Howard,Brian t Shirley
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Veterans in Blue Brian T Shirley (2016) Online

This is a short documentary for the USAF series called "Veterans in Blue". This short in on USAF Brian T Shirley who is now a comedian. This film examines his childhood, his USAF career and how this all relates to his comedy career. Larry D Shirley, who is also in the video is Brian's father.
Credited cast:
Drew Howard Drew Howard - Himself
Drew Howard Drew Howard - Himself
Brian t Shirley Brian t Shirley - Himself
Larry Shirley Larry Shirley - Himself

Brian's dad left the family when Brian was 5 or 6 years old and Brian did not see his father again until he was 18.