Margaret Summers is married to Philip Summers, a mean-spirited adventurer who skates dangerously on the edge of the law. He ill-treats her and makes her thoroughly miserable. Finally he ... See full summary
The Way of the Transgressor (1913) Online

Margaret Summers is married to Philip Summers, a mean-spirited adventurer who skates dangerously on the edge of the law. He ill-treats her and makes her thoroughly miserable. Finally he gets into trouble with the police and returning home packs up some things in a bag, takes Margaret's earrings from her, strikes her and deserts her. Forced to do something to earn her living, she obtains a position in the office of Gerald Pribyl as a stenographer. Pribyl becomes interested in her and eventually seems about to propose marriage to her. She learns of the death of Summers and then, when Pribyl does propose marriage, she feels free to accept him. They are married. One evening Pribyl is forced to leave on a business trip, and bids his wife and child farewell. A strange man has been seen hanging about the house. When Pribyl has gone a burglar makes his way into the library where the safe is kept behind a screen and proceeds to open it. Margaret hears a ring at the bell and goes to the door. ...