» » Der Prinz von Bel-Air Hex and the Single Guy (1990–1996)

Der Prinz von Bel-Air Hex and the Single Guy (1990–1996) Online

Der Prinz von Bel-Air Hex and the Single Guy (1990–1996) Online
Original Title :
Hex and the Single Guy
Genre :
TV Episode / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Shelley Jensen
Cast :
Will Smith,James Avery,Daphne Reid
Writer :
Benny Medina,Jeff Pollack
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Der Prinz von Bel-Air Hex and the Single Guy (1990–1996) Online

Hilary drags the family to a psychic for a séance to say goodbye to Trevor. Will doesn't believe the psychic is for real and mocks him. Because of that, the psychic curses him and bad things happen later that day.
Episode cast overview:
Will Smith Will Smith - Will Smith
James Avery James Avery - Philip Banks
Daphne Reid Daphne Reid - Vivian Banks (as Daphne Maxwell Reid)
Alfonso Ribeiro Alfonso Ribeiro - Carlton Banks
Karyn Parsons Karyn Parsons - Hilary Banks
Tatyana Ali Tatyana Ali - Ashley Banks (as Tatyana M. Ali)
Joseph Marcell Joseph Marcell - Geoffrey Butler
DJ Jazzy Jeff DJ Jazzy Jeff - Jazz (as Jeffrey A. Townes)
Glenn Shadix Glenn Shadix - Ralph Scorpius
Jackie Roberts Jackie Roberts - INS Agent (as Jackie Mari Roberts)

Glenn Shadix, who plays Scorpion also co ducts a seance in Beetlejuice wherein he portrays the faux medium, Otto

User reviews



I just watched this episode last night. Again. I watch it at least once a year, before Halloween, as it has become a Halloween must-see in our household. There are too many awesome things about it: Will's jokes about the psychic ("I'm losing it! I'm losing it!" "Dah, like you ever had it!"), everything Carlton says in the entire episode, the tennis balls going crazy on Ashley and Will smacking them with a frying pan, Jazz throwing Phil out of the house... Pretty much the entire episode is full of awesomeness. Not to give anything away, but the ending is amazing and will blow...your...mind.

I believe I have seen it too many times since now I can recite lines before they happen, but gosh darn it...it's Classic Fresh Prince! Therefore, I give it 10 out of 10 stars!


The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

Hex And The Single Guy

The origin of Will Smith's fame and too many mentions from The Graham Norton Show got me to binge watch this series which I think has a potential to be a typical one-time-watch sitcom. The creators made the relations pretty much clear from the first frame now all one seek and wait for is their character development through this journey with hopefully no dips on content or humor. The relation between Will Smith and Tatyana Ali seems interesting (something to look forward especially when she grows up) and is definitely supposed to bring the laughs whilst with James Avery there is a soft spot hidden in there.

After third season one can easily deduce that the bonding between Alfonso Rebeiro and Will Smith despite of being polar opposite in nature and taste that they rely upon. Having said that, the other characters are left undercooked except for James Avery whose portrayal as a disturbed father of teen kids is brilliant. Karyn Parsons' same old ideology may provide a laugh here and there but it can also annoy you.

Hex And The Single Guy is flat out hilarious with gripping screenplay that enfolds into chaotic humor in each frame and even though it is predictable, it keeps the audience engaged and entertained throughout its runtime. The way it works for the most part of it is because it goes into places where every character is afraid to go or be.


Hilary has a seance with a psychic to say goodbye to Trevor and Will is not into it so as revenge the psychic puts a curse on them.

Well that was pretty funny. The whole idea and execution of it worked out too well. I especially loved Jazz kicking Phil out of the house. But the seance was also very fun. And Geoffrey scaring the kids instead of giving them candy. Great episode.