» » Inception of Chaos (2012)

Inception of Chaos (2012) Online

Inception of Chaos (2012) Online
Original Title :
Inception of Chaos
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Chad Ream
Cast :
Peter Benjamin,Matthew Bradley,Robert Davidson
Writer :
Chad Ream,Chad Ream
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Even Chaos has a beginning.

Inception of Chaos (2012) Online

The state of affairs in the city of Kingdom have come to a turning point. Loomis is inadvertently drawing attention to his former self. Kleinologics' clinical trials have failed, all while a visitor with bad intentions has come to the city. These events have introduced an opportunity for change, a test to the old norms and like all events there must be a beginning.
Credited cast:
Peter Benjamin Peter Benjamin - Det. Lucas
Matthew Bradley Matthew Bradley - Matthew
Robert Davidson Robert Davidson - Rex
Tudor Dixon Tudor Dixon - Claire
Chad Earnest Chad Earnest - Zachariah
William Ellwood William Ellwood - Ed
Patricia Gray Patricia Gray - Megan
Marly Green Marly Green - Carol Egan
Michelle Rentz Michelle Rentz - Cashier
Adam J. Slager Adam J. Slager - Kevin
Todd Spratt Todd Spratt - Joseph
Erika Vikis Erika Vikis - Amelia
Liza Zaczek Liza Zaczek - Amber