» » Case history (2015)

Case history (2015) Online

Case history (2015) Online
Original Title :
Case history
Genre :
Movie / Short / Mystery
Year :
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The patient has visions. No one of the family has had psychological disorders. The patient has never been ill, hospitalized for the first time. Life conditions satisfied: works in kolhoz, ... See full summary

Case history (2015) Online

The patient has visions. No one of the family has had psychological disorders. The patient has never been ill, hospitalized for the first time. Life conditions satisfied: works in kolhoz, likes to drink. Visual hallucinations most often appear at night, less often at day. He sees God, Christ, Virgin Mary, the angels. On the other hand, he also has gruesome visions: the devil and gorgons appear too. Wild animal threaten him, the patient hears voices, clogs his ears. Temporary gaps appear in his memory even after brief conscience disorders. Some memories can be fake. Presented not as memory information loss as in regression of mind, but as unavailability to use the maintained memory information. There also is a hypochondriacal delirium idea, causing patient's sureness of suffering from strangest illnesses. The delirium idea is gradually becoming a sturdy system. Ultimately, due to the sensation errors, delirium ideas, also sickly affections different actions take place: acts of ...