» » The Last War Crime (2012)

The Last War Crime (2012) Online

The Last War Crime (2012) Online
Original Title :
The Last War Crime
Genre :
Movie / Drama / History / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Sean Garrett
Cast :
Deanna Hurst,Richard Tanner,Grey Wolf
Writer :
Sean Garrett
Budget :
Type :
Rating :

Epic political fantasy drama, envisioning what would have happened if Dick Cheney had been indicted for ordering torture, which was used to get the false confessions to make a fraudulent ... See full summary

The Last War Crime (2012) Online

Epic political fantasy drama, envisioning what would have happened if Dick Cheney had been indicted for ordering torture, which was used to get the false confessions to make a fraudulent case for war. Starting with a dramatic recreation of events of the morning of the 9/11 attacks, we tell the story of a heroic assistant U.S. attorney, who uncovers evidence of war crimes, and a suspenseful race against time to serve the Vice President in public with an arrest warrant before they can intercept her and quash it forever.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Deanna Hurst Deanna Hurst - Rachel Silver
Richard Tanner Richard Tanner - Michael Arrow
Grey Wolf Grey Wolf - Dick Cheney
Troy Conrad Troy Conrad - George Bush
Alexander Cukor Alexander Cukor - Bob Angle
David Ghilardi David Ghilardi - David Addington
Joanie Tomsky Joanie Tomsky - Condoleezza Rice
Jim Ward Jim Ward - George Tenet
Kevin Sifuentes Kevin Sifuentes - Alberto Gonzales
Willam Knight Willam Knight - Donald Rumsfeld (as William Knight)
Reggie De Morton Reggie De Morton - Colin Powell
Ben Marley Ben Marley - Richard Clarke
Cordell Pace Cordell Pace - Smoky Jackson
Stephan Todd Stephan Todd - Randy Bascom
Katharine Lee McEwan Katharine Lee McEwan - Jennifer Arrow (as Katharine McEwan)

Viacom and MTV refused to run the trailer for the film in Times Square due to it's content.

All of the grand jury scenes were filmed at the USC law building.

Distribution problems have caused the delay of the film's release.

User reviews



Not to nit pick, but Adolf Hitler's name is misspelled as Adolph Hitler at the end of the movie. I do think that this film has a lot of potential and could be worse for a first outing for the film makers. I think I heard that the film is still a work in progress and some things may be changed before the final edit. Actors don't have to be names to tell a good story and ever actor needs a start and does the best work with the material involved. I do as I said have high hopes for this film when and if all of the corrections are made but it's not up to me to decide on that. And remember one thing, and that is at some point in their careers, every actor was an unknown! I'd like to send all my best to all involved and continuing success in future endeavors to you all.


The people who made this have their hearts in the right place, and I for one certainly agree that Dick Cheney should have been indicted and tried for war crimes, along with Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Gonzales, and anyone else responsible for lying America into the Iraq War and then supporting the use of torture.

But this is such a low-budget production, it's really pathetic. At one point, they even use a CGI limousine instead of a real car.

It's unfortunate they couldn't have sold the script to a producer or studio who could have made this film on a proper budget with some name players.

As it is, the amateur nature of the production undermines the importance of the message.