» » Párpados azules (2007)

Párpados azules (2007) Online

Párpados azules (2007) Online
Original Title :
Párpados azules
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Ernesto Contreras
Cast :
Cecilia Suárez,Enrique Arreola,Magali Boysselle
Writer :
Carlos Contreras
Type :
Time :
1h 38min
Rating :
Párpados azules (2007) Online

Marina wins a paradise vacation for two, but when she realizes that she has no one to bring along, she decides to invite a stranger named Victor. The pair soon discovers that true love depends more on compatibility rather than idyllic scenery.
Credited cast:
Cecilia Suárez Cecilia Suárez - Marina Farfán
Enrique Arreola Enrique Arreola - Víctor Mina
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Magali Boysselle Magali Boysselle - Recepcionista Seguros Colinda
Armando Casas Armando Casas - Intendente Seguros Colinda
Laura de Ita Laura de Ita - Lola
Emma Dib Emma Dib - Rita
Mariana Giménez Mariana Giménez - Párpados Azules, ella
Luisa Huertas Luisa Huertas - Mercedes
Juan Antonio Llanes Juan Antonio Llanes - Gerente café de chinos
Arturo Lorca Arturo Lorca - Gerente Seguros Colinda
Andrés Montiel Andrés Montiel - Hombre del parque
Ana Ofelia Murguía Ana Ofelia Murguía - Lulita
Sandra Nori Sandra Nori - Agente Bienes Raices
Laura Padilla Laura Padilla - Mujer del parque
Héctor Paredes Héctor Paredes - Mesero 2 La Gárgola

At the scene where they go to the movies, you can see clearly a movie poster with the title "Párpados Azules".

User reviews

Bad Sunny

Bad Sunny

I saw this movie at Sundance and was very impressed. It's a little difficult to explain why this movie was so captivating but I believe it's because it examines a relationship between two individuals who are completely different from the characters typical of many films. The film is not for everyone, its pace was very deliberate and intentionally repetitive at times. There are some uncomfortable scenes basically because of the extreme awkwardness of the two characters and their relationship. The film is full of some very subtle and humorous scenes, sometimes simply due to the facial expressions of the two lead characters. The entire cast, especially the two leads, was excellent. There was even some suspense at the end of the film and a simple line that left you guessing.


The Mexican movie wonder goes on. This film is not wondrous, but anyway an interesting story about loneliness.

These types of movies have of course been made many times before, but too often you get alienated. These people are anyway easy to understand. The girl wins a vacation trip for two at her job, but has nobody to go with. Then this old schoolmate turns up. But have they really been to school together? Well, that's not important.

Big sensuality here about these two shy people who slowly, in spite of their shyness, build something up. But perhaps it sometimes is a little too uncomplicated. Anyway this way of celebrating scared people is rather unusual on the screen


.... tell me who you are?" And the help freeing the birds: "It does not want to fly" and the old lady: "Then you have to make it to fly." One after one the cages are opened and the birds helped to fly towards freedom. The birds are a metaphor. The birds in the cages and Marina Farfán who won the competition among many of the staff. For a ten days Playa Salamandra with another person. Everything is free. Her sister wants but can not as she divorces. And not he and not she she contacts. Marina meets by Chance Victor Mina, another loner - and Victor agrees. He is a former schoolmate she can't remember. Both were and still are loners, not looking at or seeing others. Too shy for such an adventure. To know each other before the trip they are together in different settings. A movie, a picnic, a restaurant - followed finally ... by sex.

During a rain shower (the car gets stuck) the final hollywoodian question: "Will you marry me?" - followed by the yes-answer. But what will happen beyond, after the movie? Two people, being so near each other with their awkward shyness. Has their relation a future of reality?

The movies message: two loners, afraid to be among others and with each other, are able not only to socialize but ... like it. Admitting their fault to each other they find a way of acceptance. And: 'cross the line' - as the end tells. Are they cured? No. They have found a way to accept each other with the possibility to live with both of there faults in a daily life.

Everybody is in need of help with the first step. Even those used to it. Believing they manage it alone, Without help. They do not see the need of subtle help. As the caged birds tells: one has to open the cage and take one of the birds and the rest will follow when the first step of help is taken.

Marina, returning from her trip (she decided to went alone, without Victor) is met at the airport by him. With her she has a shell as a gift for him: "It reminded me of you." He could have answered: "It is you, too."


I had a time already wanting to watch this movie, mainly because its poster made it look interesting and because I like the music - by french indie musician Sebastien Schuller-. Plus, it's part of the new Mexican cinema. I thought, like most people, that this movie is really, really slow and it's not for everyone. I would say curiosity is an important factor; curiosity to see what happens next with this 'never-fails-to-exist' character is what keeps you watching. If you work at an office, at times you'll feel identified with Víctor. Actually, whoever who has a life that is more "existed" than LIVED will identify with the main characters. Something I found interesting about this film was the symbolism present throughout the whole film in the form of a cardinal. I think it's worth the watch.


This film is a puzzle to me. Something about it thoroughly charmed me, even though watching it felt more like an obligation than an enjoyable experience.

The eccentricity of the main character was an essential component in the film holding me in my seat and it so often nearly lost me. The clunky imagery, over emphasised emphasis on banality and emptiness, emotional silence and the enormously dull way that the two main characters exist (rather than live), was almost too much.

But, I loved the idea of her winning the holiday and being so controlled by the experience that she deliberately secures her partner in order to conform to the convention that she thinks it demands.

Not a must see.. rather a "yep you might as well"


I thought this film was actually quite interesting, tender and had some quite touching moments about two lonely, awkward people coming together in a sorta love, which they both desparetly want and need. It is a slow film, and not much actually happens, and some people may find the characters unbearably bland and boring (which I guess their kinda meant to be).

Also there is one confusing bit, the old lady boss with the birds, I had no idea what her backstory was meant to be and how she fitted in, (I missed small parts of the film due to outside circumstances), but overall I thought this was a good, enjoyable film (well shot too).

7 and a half out of 10.
Global Progression

Global Progression

I can't believe anyone could actually enjoy this turgid, lame movie. Dire stuff indeed. Stilted acting with long pauses in dialogues just do not do it for me. I would rather spend an evening lancing the cat's boil than suffer at the hand's of such pitiful fare. Surely Mexico can do better than this depressing drivel apart from that I thought it was woeful! :) I still can't believe anyone could actually enjoy this turgid, lame movie. Dire stuff indeed. Stilted acting with long pauses in dialogues just do not do it for me. I would rather spend an evening lancing the cat's boil than suffer at the hand's of such pitiful fare. Surely Mexico can do better than this depressing drivel apart from that I thought it was woeful! :) sorry D


This movie tries to be introspective and thoughtful, but I just found it dull. It follows the story of a lonely woman who wins a trip for two to the beach and must find someone to go with her. She apparently knows no one except her selfish sister, so she asks a man she runs into (at random). The man says he remembers her from high school, but she doesn't remember him at all, but no matter...she wants to go to the beach with someone. After the first 30 minutes, I checked my watch every minute or so. The story just crawled along and didn't really have anything to say. Perhaps I found it slow because this was the 9th of 10 movies we saw at Sundance this year, but the movie we saw afterward was pretty good, and I didn't look at my watch once, so I don't think so. What clinched my low rating (spoiler) was the scene with masturbation. The two main characters are sad and lonely and to illustrate, we have the gratuitous masturbation scene. Yuck. What's wrong with a little allusion? This is the first time I've ever skipped a Sundance Q & A session because I didn't like the movie. Yikes.


Mexican film that won the Special Jury Prize at Sundance. A story about lonely, friendless people and their inability to normally interact with each other. I'm not sure how the heck this was nominated for similar awards at a smattering of other festivals. The pace of the story makes it incredibly tedious to watch. The main characters are merely existing in their world of loneliness, wanting more but so uninspired or simply unable to have what might resemble a normal life. Their getting together is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I felt awkward watching -- this type of life, these types of people I am not used to. Are we supposed to feel hopeful for this couple? I'm not sure what we're supposed to be thinking as the credits roll. It was soooo slow to get to the end but I had to see the story through. When done I felt nothing. It wasn't even that entertaining. It was just something I couldn't take my eyes off of.

5.0 / 10 stars

--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener