» » Эра коммуналок (2013)

Эра коммуналок (2013) Online

Эра коммуналок (2013) Online
Original Title :
The Age of Kommunalki
Genre :
Movie / Documentary / History
Year :
Directror :
Elena Alexandrova,Francesco Crivaro
Writer :
Elena Alexandrova,Francesco Crivaro
Type :
Time :
1h 8min
Rating :

Saint Petersburg is one of the most visited cities in the world. Beyond the beautiful evocative facades downtown, an unique world, unknown to most visitors, hides itself: the world of ... See full summary

Эра коммуналок (2013) Online

Saint Petersburg is one of the most visited cities in the world. Beyond the beautiful evocative facades downtown, an unique world, unknown to most visitors, hides itself: the world of Kommunalki. Still nowadays, almost one hundred years from the October Revolution, a lot of people of different ages and from different places and social background, live together in rooms inside big apartments where they share communal areas such as a kitchen, a bathroom and a corridor. The inhabitants of such places have personally experienced the consequences of applying an utopian concept to daily living. The analysis of that will be the starting point, as well as a common thread, for a reflection on the modern meaning of community and human relations as well as on both the social and the economic transformations affecting the cities.