» » Allen and Alinea (2015)

Allen and Alinea (2015) Online

Allen and Alinea (2015) Online
Original Title :
Allen and Alinea
Genre :
Movie / Documentary / Short / Biography
Year :
Directror :
Dan Addelson
Writer :
Dan Addelson
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Allen and Alinea (2015) Online

Allen Hemberger is an obsessive amateur chef who singlehandedly recreated the impossibly ambitious Alinea Cookbook, a modern bible of molecular gastronomy, out of his home kitchen. Allen and Alinea is the unbelievable story of an artists 5-year creative journey - what it took to complete, how it impacted his relationships, and what he learned about himself.
Credited cast:
Allen Hemberger Allen Hemberger - Himself