» » Die gelben Augen des Gorillas (1978)

Die gelben Augen des Gorillas (1978) Online

Die gelben Augen des Gorillas (1978) Online
Original Title :
Nan yang tang ren jie
Genre :
Movie / Action / Adventure
Year :
Directror :
Chi Lo
Cast :
Sing Chen,Bruce Li,Michael Wai-Man Chan
Writer :
Ku-Yao Yang
Type :
Time :
1h 32min
Rating :
Die gelben Augen des Gorillas (1978) Online

Fantastic fighting sequences mark this kung fu action film.
Credited cast:
Sing Chen Sing Chen - Master Fok Ging Ha
Bruce Li Bruce Li - Yu Fong (as Ho Chung Dao)
Michael Wai-Man Chan Michael Wai-Man Chan - Chen (as Chen Wai Man)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Kwok Kuen Chan Kwok Kuen Chan
Lung Chan Lung Chan
Hsing-Tang Chen Hsing-Tang Chen
Wei-Ying Chen Wei-Ying Chen
Lik Cheung Lik Cheung
Yi-Hsiung Chi Yi-Hsiung Chi
Szu-Ying Chien Szu-Ying Chien
Tien-Chu Chin Tien-Chu Chin
Fat Chung Fat Chung
Hark-On Fung Hark-On Fung
Ying-Ying Hui Ying-Ying Hui
Ho Chiu Kei Ho Chiu Kei

User reviews



WARNING: PLOT SPOILERS! Bruce Lee-alike Bruce Li fades into the shadow of his Shaolin master Fok (Chen Sing), although his fighting appears to have improved considerably. Fok banishes his renegade pupil Chang to Malaysia in the hope of redeeming himself in the provinces. Slim chance: Chang re-establishes himself as the owner of a local mine and casino, exploiting the locals at one and fleecing what little they earn at the other. Surrounded by a gang of truly ugly villains, the locals continually declare him `evil' and `a bad man', but with the absence of any real kung fu experts, what can they do? A disciple of Fok arrives in the village and takes an instant liking to his cousin; so does Chang, and gets his lackeys to beat up her parents and drag her back to the casino in a sack. Charming. Chang tries to force himself unsuccessfully on her before beating her with his riding crop! He then sends her to his brothel; she thinks she has found a sympathetic ear in the Madam and complains about Chang, only to incur the wrath of Madam as she bashes the girl's head repeatedly on the table! Fok's disciple finds her parents in a bruised and battered state and immediately cables for Master Fok and his assistant Yi Fong (Li). Until this point the film has become a standard kung fu revenger with mild sadism; Li's appearance guarantees a bizarre twist. And we don't have to wait long. After smashing up the casino, Li and Master Fok chase Chang and the kidnapped cousin into the tribal hills of Malaysia. Two gorillas trained in the ancient art of kung fu (!!!!) try to stop them - Li delvers a swift kick to one gorilla's mask and pops out both its eyeballs, while Fok yanks the top of the other's skull clean off! They eventually find the two cousins staked out across boulders in `Sun Valley'. Li defeats the entire Malaysian tribe, leaving Master Fok to face his belligerent pupil Chang. Wildly uneven film even shows the origins of the Shaolin temple; fans of the kung fu monkeys will foam at the mouth at their own starring vehicle Shaolin Invincibles.


Bruce Lee lookalike vehicles often get a lot of stick from fans.While it is true that too many suck,some of them (like this) are truer in flavour to the world of kung fu fantasy than the watered down movies Lee starred in.Why on earth do we need another DVD update of the over-screened ENTER THE DRAGON when someone could be releasing this obscurity. Then more people could enjoy (as i did) the sight of Bruce Li fighting gorillas (men in monkey suits) with glowing red e


I wonder if Bruce Lee's widow and kids ever got any cash from the various people in Hong Kong who made movies that had "Bruce Lee" in the title (like this one) or characters that were supposed to be Bruce Lee. Probably not. Anyway, despite the title, there's no one named "Bruce Lee" in the movie, but we've got a look-alike actor. If you ever had a TV channel in your city that used to broadcast kung fu cinema, you can probably guess for the most part what this is like. The fights are pretty unmemorable, just about every scene takes place out in the countryside, and the story is drawn-out and flat. There are a few inspired bits of nuttiness, like how the setting seems to be a cross between the 19th and 20th century, and that encounter with gorillas a few other IMDb posters have already commented on. But aside from that, the movie's another good example of why the kung-fu craze died in the U.S. not long after its introduction, and didn't get revamped until the slicker and more energetic fight sequences that started appearing in Hong Kong movies of the '80s.


My friend, Jacob, gave this movie to me for Christmas one year. I opened the paper and said out loud, "What the hell is this?" I later popped the movie in and discovered I had one of my favorite comedies in the VCR. This movie is so unintentionally hilarious. The men in monkey suits, the completely awful dubbing, the doofus characters, and let's not mention the possibility of incest in the plot that is treated as some sweet love story. When I have had a lousy day of shoveling yak vomit and listening to Barry Manilow songs in MIDI form at the local supermarket, I pop this dud in and laugh until I puke like the yak. When are they going to release this steaming pile of humorous fake gorilla dung on DVD? I want it. I will definitely purchase it at my local Big Lots before I will buy the 3-disc Platinum Ultimate Crappy Edition of Pearl Harbor. Hi-yah!


I like this movie because it was my the best favorite film when i was little boy! i learn very technique from movie! i like this movie now and will like! although movie has some funny fighting for example : fight against gorilla!! but one thing is interest for me that "teacher" in movie was very "weak man" in compare other characters! any way i like this movie and request yo that see that film! scene of film are beautiful,jungles and .... i think using "Bruce lee" name in not good for movie!"Bruce lee" was a great man in martial arts films! in movie technique are good and actors do it very good!movie have a sex part that i think has not related to movie


Bruce Li stars as a martial artist who along with his teacher to Malaysia to sort out a martial artist who has failed to keep his word in turning over a new leaf and live a peaceful life. Also Bruce Li and his master are also looking for the Asian girl who was kidnapped by said bad guy martial artist who apparently wants to get married and won't take no for an answer. In fact the bad guy beats up her cousin, her parents and even sics kung fu fighting apes to thwart her would be heroes. Thankfully Bruce Li's kung fu is strong and that his master is even better. In a way Bruce Lee:The Invincible (Awkward title) is one of those martial arts movies that is often considered Bruceploitation but it's really not this movie's fault. The plot has nothing to do with Bruce Lee and it works as a stand alone flick. The fight sequences are also well staged and happen frequent enough to make this entertaining on the level its intended. Also of note is the fantasy and ambition The Invincible buys into, mainly how Bruce Li fights off apes (Men in gorilla suits) and it buys into a mythology that makes this as appealing as old school martial arts movies get. Also the film is a great guilty pleasure as it tries very hard to provide the martial arts action and although I'd usually take points off for quality, the truth is, is that The Invincible is as well made as these things get and is fairly enjoyable in a campy and mindless way. Also given that you can buy this for a buck, this remains one of the best DVDs to buy for one dollar. Not a perfect movie by any means, but certainly a very entertaining one.

* * * out of 4-(Good)


In fact, don't waste more than $3. The movie is typical low-budget Kung-Fu, and contains one of the worst scenes ever, featuring a very very very VERY poor costumed person, fighting the main character.

Contains nudity. To say that it contains mild violence is like saying, "dogs have two eyes."

If you love to watch cheesy, old, low-budget Kung-Fu movies, then this is worth a watch, but don't spend a lot of your hard-earned money on it. Bruce Li has done several "Bruce Lee knock-off" and "Bruce Lee tribute" films, and anything from before the 80's is low-budget cheesy-Kung-Fu movie-gold. (Most of the older stuff was Bruce Lee knock-offs - newer stuff was more tributes)


Another one of those movies which is sooo bad its good. I few beers and a few friends makes this movie a masterpiece. I know your saying damn this guy is on crack but if you've seen as many b movies as me then you'll appreciate the better ones. It's jam packed loaded with fights every 2 minutes. Some of the fights are above average and some are just basic. One thing to look forward to in this movie though is the gorilla fight. Why ? Well for one thing these animals sure know how to fight and take a good beating. This is honestly one of Bruce Li's best films and if you love Bruce Li like me over dragon lee and bruce le then you'll appreciate this film as much as me. Enjoy!


1st watched 3/30/2003 - 3 out of 10(Dir-Law Kai Shuk): Action-filled kung fu movie with lost plot. The kung fu sequences aren't bad in this movie but that's about all you get in this `Bruce Li', not Bruce Lee, camouflaged kung fu movie. This is one of the many attempts to make money off of Bruce Lee without him being a part of the movie. I'm amazed that this was able to be done so often with him but this just shows his major appeal in this genre. Anyway, the movie, in it's plot is confusing so I won't even attempt to make heads or tales out of that. There's a bad guy, a good guy, and a lot of fighting. This is what I mean by `lost plot.' And what's worse is sometimes hard to pin-point who's the bad guy and who's the good guy during the movie. I hate it when this happening. Pass this one up if you're looking for something interesting in the kung fu genre.


Saw this movie a couple of years back , and it was so bad, I literally threw it out. There is NO story some guy fights some bad guys, chases a girl, and fights men in gorilla suits. YUCK!! The movie sucks!! Its worth a rent only if you want to laugh AT it! Contains:Nudity, and mild violence.