Who ate the possum pie? is the problem, and the evidence is so strong that any jury in the world would bring in a verdict of guilty, thereby convicting an innocent man and allowing the ... See full summary
Circumstantial Evidence; or, Who Ate the Possum Pie (1908) Online

Who ate the possum pie? is the problem, and the evidence is so strong that any jury in the world would bring in a verdict of guilty, thereby convicting an innocent man and allowing the guilty to escape. Old Uncle Mose Jackson is seen entering his cabin with a very fine 'possum which he has captured, and he proceeds to make a 'possum pie and puts it in the oven to cook, and while it is cooking he falls asleep. A young darkey, passing the cabin detects the odor of 'possum pie, so dear to the colored race, and pushing the door open he discovers Uncle Mose asleep, and further search reveals the pie in the oven, which is now cooked, and Mister Darkey proceeds to cat it. After finishing the pie, he proceeds to start a false trail, and using the scraps that are left he greases the old man's face and hands. In due course the old fellow wakes up, and of course he goes straight to the oven, only to find that the pie is not there; he finds the soiled dishes and scraps on the table and he is sure...