» » The Mystery Squadron (1933)

The Mystery Squadron (1933) Online

The Mystery Squadron (1933) Online
Original Title :
The Mystery Squadron
Genre :
Movie / Action / Adventure
Year :
Directror :
Colbert Clark,David Howard
Cast :
Bob Steele,Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams,Lucile Browne
Writer :
Sherman L. Lowe,Al Martin
Type :
Time :
3h 47min
Rating :
The Mystery Squadron (1933) Online

Chapter 1, "The Black Ace" opens with dam-project foreman Hank Davis hiring two stunt flyers he once flew with, Fred Cromell and Bill "Jellybean" Cook, to protect the dam from the air raids by a group known as the Mystery Squadron, under the leadership of the mysterious Black Ace. Each attack is preceded by the arrival of a miniature airplane carrying a warning that the Mystery Squadron is about to attack. This makes the workers somewhat disturbed and distressed to the point that they mistake Fred and Bill for members of the criminal air armada. The workers form a vigilante lynch mob from which Fred and Bill must escape and continue their 12-chapter search to unmask The Black Ace. Those in a hurry can flash-forward to the ending of chapters 4-6-8 and 12, as they are all "cheater chapters" comprised primarily of various players recapping, via flashback footage, what has transpired in preceding chapters.Mascot and Republic led the serial world in the use of cheater chapters, but they ...
Complete credited cast:
Bob Steele Bob Steele - Fred Cromwell
Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams - Bill 'Jellybean' Cook (as 'Big Boy' Williams)
Lucile Browne Lucile Browne - Dorothy Gray
Jack Mulhall Jack Mulhall - Henry 'Hank' Davis
Purnell Pratt Purnell Pratt - Lafe Johnson
Robert Frazer Robert Frazer - Dr. Flint
J. Carrol Naish J. Carrol Naish - Collins
Bob Kortman Bob Kortman - Bracken
Lafe McKee Lafe McKee - Stephen Gray
Edward Hearn Edward Hearn - Sheriff [Chs. 2-3, 12]
Kernan Cripps Kernan Cripps - Tom - Dam Foreman
Edward Peil Sr. Edward Peil Sr. - Andrew Martin (as Edward Peil)
Jack Mower Jack Mower - Carter - Henchman
Jack Perrin Jack Perrin - Roberts - Mystery Flyer

It is possible that the man portraying the Black Ace in full costume is not Jack Mulhall but actually a stuntman.

User reviews



I remember this movie serial as a boy in the thirties,we would ask our mother's for a penny on a Wednesday after school,and line up at the local movie house along with hundreds of kids..mostly boys,it always promised fast action,the Mystery Squadron who had their hideout in a mountain cave,the Black Ace the leader always seemed as though he would never would be revealed,would provide the bad deeds,as the action heated up thousands of young feet would stomp on the balcony floor,it was a wonder that it never collapsed.it would build to a crescendo,THEN it would stop suddenly,everyone would hold their breath as the hero would be put in seemingly inescapable peril,NEXT WEEK...see the next thrilling chapter,we would pile outside still gripped in the spell and discus with actions what had taken place,we would then speculate as to how he was going to get out of this latest fix,Bob Steele,Tom Mix,Hoot Gibson,Buck Jones,Ken Maynard,our heroes,who never kissed a girl,in our games no one wanted to play the Black Ace.Happy innocent days.


Like all Mascot serials, "Mystery Squadron," was made on a slight budget. But this didn't keep it from being a fun watch. The serial was loaded with good stunt action, and those of you with a bit of interest in vintage airplanes,(circa 1920's) plenty of good aerial action, and fine stunt flying. Of course, in most Mascot serials there was a masked villain, The Black Ace, who's identity would only be revealed in the finial chapter. If you enjoy movie serials, give it a try. One of the best Mascot serials.


Considering miniscule budgets that Mascot Pictures worked with,this serial isn't too bad. Bob Steele and Guinn "Big boy" Williams are adequate as the heroes and the special effects are ok for the period.Story line doesn't make much sense but that's par for the course. There's enough excitement to keep it moving. Overall,good effort from Mascot.
Light out of Fildon

Light out of Fildon

This film falls toward the middle of Mascot's serial output. It isn't as exciting as some (The Hurricane Express), as entertainingly ludicrous as others (The Whispering Shadow), as lavish as a few (The Phantom Empire) managed to be. The actors' performances are all on par with their respective usual standards, and stick fairly close to typecasting. The Tavern Hotel, where much of the action is set, is an illogical conceit: a large building seemingly in the middle of nowhere, housing no more than five people all of whom are familiar with the secret passages which honeycomb the walls. Of course, in Mascot serials logic is pretty much beside the point, and that's okay.


This is an interesting little serial. I've always like Bob Steele in the "B" westerns he made. His father directed him in a number of shorts which I have not seen. His father also directed John Wayne in a number of poverty row films under the Lone Star banner in the 1930s. In this serial Jack Mulhall turns out to be the No. 1 villain. A few years later he was the star in another serial, "The Clutching Hand." Many times serials don't make sense. People get to places faster than they should, etc. In the last chapter Jack Mulhall as the hooded villain makes his escape out of a window only to be found a few minutes later tied up legs and arms in a car. Who tied him up? Well, it didn't matter to us kids when we saw those serials. Just so there was plenty of action. And that's what serials were about. Action.


Two flying aces go to help their friend who is building a dam in New Mexico. It seems his job is being threatened by The Black Ace who wants the dam stopped. The Black Ace and his Mystery Squadron wants the dam stopped because they have discovered a vein of gold that will be submerged when the dam is finished.

A good cast (The chemistry between Bob Steel and Big Boy Williams is wonderful) and good action is hampered by poor rear screen work (The rear screen footage doesn't match what is happening in front of it) and poor model work (you can almost see the wires). This isn't to say its a bad serial, its not, its just that the budget limitations make the film feel creakier then it is. Worth a look.


When I was a lad my parents wouldn't let us have a TV. Some neighbours did. We watched many American B films. The only one that made an impression (enough to recall now) was "The Mystery Squadron". This would have been 1951, I think. I didn't realise that it dated from as long ago as 1933. The fact that the BBC should run it shows that it had become a cult movie. That summer we moved home. My friends warned that I should not be able to see a repeat running of the film scheduled for the autumn. Watching it in 2011 at first I thought I was going to be disappointed.However the "willing suspension of disbelief" began to perform its magic. The quality of the actual film is poor but the camera work is good and the direction (particularly of the action sequences) taut. Most important for this purpose there are some entertaining studio in-jokes. For example the two male leads regularly show an improbable athleticism. They were of course supposed to be stunt pilots. Onseveral occasions though their parts are taken by stunt men...............