Mr. and Mrs. Humbolt have just finished an enjoyable honeymoon. Long before twelve months have elapsed, the young couple's home is rent with the noise of continual quarrels. They decide to ... See full summary
Love's Serenade (1912) Online

Mr. and Mrs. Humbolt have just finished an enjoyable honeymoon. Long before twelve months have elapsed, the young couple's home is rent with the noise of continual quarrels. They decide to separate and leave each other. It so happens that a year after their divorce, both Mr. Humbolt and his wife, Suzanne, stop at the same summer hotel. At the hotel, Humbolt is inconsolable. He can see no one but Suzanne and can think of no one but her, while she is quite as devoted to him, without letting him know of it. A most bold admirer, Don Juan, is smitten with the charms of the divorcee and pursues her relentlessly for her hand. She encourages him only to increase the jealousy of her former husband. Young Humbolt rages with fury at the advances of Don Juan and many are the comical situations that arise from the eagerness of these two to outstrip each other in bestowing favors and tokens upon the pretty little miss. Of course, Suzanne finally gives in to her husband and a complete reconciliation...
Original French title is undetermined.