A miserable specimen of humanity finds his joints stiff with rheumatism, and searching out a doctor who gives free consultation, he is advised to resort to a water friction and dry massage.... See full summary
Strenuous Massage (1910) Online

A miserable specimen of humanity finds his joints stiff with rheumatism, and searching out a doctor who gives free consultation, he is advised to resort to a water friction and dry massage. Unfortunately he has no money and, as is well known, the Devil seems to take care of his own and all the elements come to his aid. In a shower of rain he commences. An overflowing water spout provides a fine shower bath, while a bucket of water left outside by the busy housewife comes in well. While handing a few choice remarks to a couple of policemen, he manages to accumulate quite a bit of massage. Seeing a road sweeper, he casts himself in front of it, and the obliging drives guides his team over his prostrate form. Our hero arises from his treatment feeling much benefited and goes on his way rejoicing.
Released in the US as a split reel along with Idylle tragique (1909).
Original French title is undetermined.