» » Out of Time (1998)

Out of Time (1998) Online

Out of Time (1998) Online
Original Title :
Out of Time
Genre :
Movie / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Michael Thomas Dunn
Cast :
Greg Mackie,Michael Thomas Dunn,Jean-Paul Gibeau
Writer :
Michael Thomas Dunn,David Swartz
Type :
Rating :
Out of Time (1998) Online

Cast overview:
Greg Mackie Greg Mackie - Barry Velasco

User reviews



This is probably one of the weaker films directed by Michael Thomas Dunn. Still, Dunn has a tenacity to capture a genre and make it his own. He knows exactly what a film needs to satisfy the genre's fans and then he adds his own trademark elements.

He seems to like 'retro' films. This film stars Greg Mackie as a college student in modern times. Yet, it is a Black and White silent film that uses slapstick similar to films with Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton.

Mackie is great in the starring role. A man seeking out to do the best he can, but goofs up occassionally with humorous results (the Leonardo DiCaprio gag is darn funny). The film runs short, but it never tries to pretend to be anything else than simple entertainment -- and it delivers.... right on time.


Greg Mackie possesses an incredible comic timing and slapstick genius in the independent film Out of Time. Under the skilled direction of Michael T. Dunn, Mackie's performance is truely breathtaking.

This film really is the perfect throwback to 1920's era silent films with stars like Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin. It mixes a bit of the 1990s into the film by setting Mackie's character as a college student who just can't get a break.

This really was the perfect vehicle to launch star Greg Mackie with. His emotional range and energy translate very well to comedy. I am really looking forward to his future film appearances.

While this film was short -- it still delighted audiences nationwide at several prominant film festivals. Hopefully it will eventually be released for the home video market -- so audiences can experience the thrill of this simple tale orchestrated by accomplished film director Dunn (and Greg Mackie's incredible acting performance).