» » Joaquín Díaz, palabras contra el olvido (2016)

Joaquín Díaz, palabras contra el olvido (2016) Online

Joaquín Díaz, palabras contra el olvido (2016) Online
Original Title :
Joaquín Díaz, palabras contra el olvido
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Inés Toharia Terán
Cast :
Andrés Amorós,Elena Casuso,Luis Alberto de Cuenca
Writer :
Inés Toharia Terán
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Joaquín Díaz, palabras contra el olvido (2016) Online

A journey through the life and work of Joaquín Díaz; the musician, folklorist and ethnographer who turned his back on fame and left the stage to became one of the most important figures in Spanish culture. Musicians, writers and experts talk about this unique character. Joaquín Díaz himself recounts his life and vocation dedicated to the recovery and preservation of the past, an incomparable legacy that will remain alive for future generations. The documentary shows archival footage of some of Joaquín Díaz's innumerables appearances on TVE (Spanish TV) as well as some of the many artists he helped along the way: Nuestro Pequeño Mundo, Cecilia, Jubal, Nuevo Mester de Juglaría, etc.
Credited cast:
Andrés Amorós Andrés Amorós - Himself
Elena Casuso Elena Casuso - Herself
Luis Alberto de Cuenca Luis Alberto de Cuenca - Himself
José María de Juana José María de Juana - Himself
Luis Delgado Luis Delgado - Himself
Germán Díaz Germán Díaz - Himself
Joaquín Díaz Joaquín Díaz - Himself
Hidehito Higashitani Hidehito Higashitani - Himself
Paco Ibáñez Paco Ibáñez - Himself
Kepa Junkera Kepa Junkera - Himself
Jaime Manso Jaime Manso - Himself
Martirio Martirio - Herself
Laura Muñoz Laura Muñoz - Herself
José Ramón Pardo José Ramón Pardo - Himself
Amancio Prada Amancio Prada - Himself