» » Fra balkongen (2017)

Fra balkongen (2017) Online

Fra balkongen (2017) Online
Original Title :
Fra balkongen
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Ole Giæver
Cast :
Ole Giæver,Marte Magnusdotter Solem
Writer :
Ole Giæver
Type :
Time :
1h 25min
Rating :
Fra balkongen (2017) Online

A filmmaker observes his place in the universe from his balcony in an Oslo suburb. He looks back at his upbringing and ponders a fundamental question: How did I get here?
Credited cast:
Ole Giæver Ole Giæver
Marte Magnusdotter Solem Marte Magnusdotter Solem - Marte

User reviews



Why? Why was this made? Its a weird one this. No clear narrative, no structure. The only thing that ties the film together is Ole Gievers banal and insisting voice-over that continues throughout the film. This is not a film. Its an essay accompanied by random photos. Half the film could have been a slightly interesting essay on life (although Gievers conclusion on life and its meaning is utter banal). The other half looks like a badly made TV documentary from the 80s.

Why does he keep getting funds to make movies? He has no cinematic skills. I always leave his films wondering why they where made. Because most of them would work better as a text. There are many visual talents in Norway. Give them a chance. And give this guy a pen and a publisher.