» » Szalenstwa panny Ewy (1985)

Szalenstwa panny Ewy (1985) Online

Szalenstwa panny Ewy (1985) Online
Original Title :
Szalenstwa panny Ewy
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Family / Romance
Year :
Directror :
Kazimierz Tarnas
Cast :
Dorota Grzelak,Piotr Fronczewski,Emilian Kaminski
Writer :
Kornel Makuszynski,Kazimierz Tarnas
Type :
Time :
1h 36min
Rating :
Szalenstwa panny Ewy (1985) Online

Cast overview, first billed only:
Dorota Grzelak Dorota Grzelak - Ewa Tyszowska
Piotr Fronczewski Piotr Fronczewski - Dr. Hieronim Tyszowski
Emilian Kaminski Emilian Kaminski - Jerzy Zawidzki
Zdzislaw Kozien Zdzislaw Kozien - Stanislaw Mudrowicz
Anna Milewska Anna Milewska - Klementyna Zawidzka
Anna Seniuk Anna Seniuk - Mrs. Szymbart
Ewa Wencel Ewa Wencel - Basia Zawilowska
Bogdan Baer Bogdan Baer - Waclaw Szymbart
Leon Niemczyk Leon Niemczyk - Zawilowski
Igor Kujawski Igor Kujawski - Rogalik (young painter)
Jerzy Block Jerzy Block - Pawel
Barbara Rachwalska Barbara Rachwalska - Ciotka Halicka
Halina Bujalska Halina Bujalska - Honorcia
Dorota Danowska Dorota Danowska - Zosia
Zbigniew Korepta Zbigniew Korepta - Lekarz

User reviews



Kornel Makuszynski claimed he was writing for teenage girls. In reality his books have been read by generations of both male and female readers aged from 7 to at least 100. Several films have been made on the basis of his novels, including one in 2006. Often a film contains much less than the book on which it is based, the film viewer is disappointed, but this is not the case here. Kazimierz Tarnas as the director and script author has captured the spirit of Makuszynski as well as the words of his heroes. Ewa's follies are caused by her trying to correct wrongs and to uproot evil. Thus, the word is not an ideal place, far from it, but a determined individual, even aged 15, can do much through energy, determination and ingenuity. The viewer is in suspense together with Ewa (pronounced Ehva) whether she will come out unscathed from her latest scrape, and shares her trepidation and fears. Dorota Grzelak (according to this Database later Dorota Latos) is wonderful as Ewa – because of her many facial expressions, the changes in the timbre of her voice, and her contagious belief that the world can be made into a better place. Emilian Kaminski as Jerzy is very good too – as is in fact the entire cast. One wonders about a different book by Makuszynski called The Voice from the Other World; will this one day be made into a film too ?