Scene opens with a grandstand, race track. A man in front row, with little or no hair, holding a pair of field glasses. Right in back of bald head is a finely dressed woman, who is marking ... See full summary
Belle of Bald-Head Row (1907) Online

Scene opens with a grandstand, race track. A man in front row, with little or no hair, holding a pair of field glasses. Right in back of bald head is a finely dressed woman, who is marking down the score of races on his bald head. Head is bent down and printing reads: "60 to 1 on Slow Poke." The horses make one lap on track. Just as horses are reaching wire along comes lemonade peddler, who spills a glass or two of lemonade on the bald head of the main figure. He is too interested to pay much attention to it until horses pass wire, when he takes out his clean handkerchief and mops off his head, which turns the handkerchief coal black. This gets him occupied and he begins to show expressions of wonderment. The programme boys now come along and he buys one of them for the lady in the rear, who accepts with smiles, which, of course, has the effect on the bald head. He now changes seats with a small boy, who sits next to nicely dressed lady, for 25 cents. The boy tries to get past bald ...