» » Bioperfection: Building a New Human Race (1998)

Bioperfection: Building a New Human Race (1998) Online

Bioperfection: Building a New Human Race (1998) Online
Original Title :
Bioperfection: Building a New Human Race
Genre :
Movie / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
John Jopson
Cast :
Stephen Hawking,Michio Kaku,Garry Kasparov
Writer :
John Jopson
Type :
Time :
Rating :

The world's greatest scientific minds discuss distant future technologies that will affect human anatomy and evolution.

Bioperfection: Building a New Human Race (1998) Online

The world's greatest scientific minds discuss distant future technologies that will affect human anatomy and evolution.
Credited cast:
Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking - Himself
Michio Kaku Michio Kaku - Himself
Garry Kasparov Garry Kasparov - Himself
Mark Pauline Mark Pauline - Himself
R.U. Sirius R.U. Sirius - Himself
Kevin Warwick Kevin Warwick - Himself