» » Panties on a Budget Who is God? (2016– )

Panties on a Budget Who is God? (2016– ) Online

Panties on a Budget Who is God? (2016– ) Online
Original Title :
Who is God?
Genre :
TV Episode / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Sam Howard
Cast :
Tanha Dil,Christina Holmes,Ozzie Rodriguez
Writer :
Sam Howard
Type :
TV Episode
Rating :
Panties on a Budget Who is God? (2016– ) Online

We asked people from a variety of faith backgrounds about their belief systems, their understanding of Jesus Christ, and who God is to them. We found that despite all of their conflicting beliefs, every single one of them passionately and certainly proclaimed that BEYONCE IS GOD.
Episode cast overview, first billed only:
Tanha Dil Tanha Dil - Muslim
Christina Holmes Christina Holmes - Buddhist
Ozzie Rodriguez Ozzie Rodriguez - Catholic
Mike Citera Mike Citera - Christian Scientist
Chris McNeany Chris McNeany - Horn Dancer
Katie Kotulak Katie Kotulak - Mormon Female
Garrett Schweighauser Garrett Schweighauser - Mormon Male
Stephanie Winney Stephanie Winney - Wicken
Holly Golden Holly Golden - Baha'i
Andrea Finlayson Andrea Finlayson - Taoist
Jeffrey Thompson Jeffrey Thompson - Pentecostal Male
Sam Howard Sam Howard - Pentecostal Female
Khaliel Abdelrahim Khaliel Abdelrahim - Southern Baptist
Crispin Rosenkranz Crispin Rosenkranz - Scientologist
Michael Nguyen Michael Nguyen - Confucist