» » Encounters (2014)

Encounters (2014) Online

Encounters (2014) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Horror / Mystery / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Anders Johannes Bukh
Cast :
Kristian Fjord,Jacob Wagner Guldager,Casper Sloth
Writer :
Anders Johannes Bukh,Anders Johannes Bukh
Type :
Time :
1h 35min
Rating :
Encounters (2014) Online

November 18th 2011 a small Danish film crew disappeared in the woods of northern Sweden without a trace. One year later, their footage was leaked by a hacker group now known as Pandoras. This is the crew's unsettling and disturbing footage.
Credited cast:
Kristian Fjord Kristian Fjord - Fjord
Jacob Wagner Guldager Jacob Wagner Guldager - Anders
Casper Sloth Casper Sloth - Alex
Signe Mathilde Sørensen Signe Mathilde Sørensen - Janne
Claus Vedel Claus Vedel - Hunter 1

The military base where the film crew seeks shelter is actually a real abandoned Swedish military base located on a deserted island in northern Sweden.

Soon after the script was completed, events in the real world started paralleling the story. In the script, the film crew hears strange noises from the sky. Shortly after finishing the script, many viral videos of people filming the sky with strange noises appeared on YouTube. This was not a part of a viral campaign from the producers. After the script was finished, hackers actually hacked the Swedish Security Service, Säpo. The design of the 'thing' that attacks the film crew was originally inspired by a tick. The director was bitten by one while location scouting. He was hospitalized for 10 days with Lyme disease before the planned shoot and was close to death. The shoot was postponed for 15 days. At the military base where the film crew seeks shelter, a real surveillance camera was programmed to start recording if there was any movement. The camera started recording at 1:00 a.m. even though there wasn't any explained movement. In the recordings, a strange white light appears. In the original script, the crew was attacked by the thing with the red light at 1:00 a.m.

Some of the footage shot in the military base has unexplained orbs appearing in frame. A paranormal investigator that saw the footage is convinced that it's supernatural.

Director Anders Johannes Bukh had to play the driver in the first scene in the car. There was no other room for him to direct from than the front seat.

Nearly all the footage is shot by the actors themselves.

The project had a bunch of setbacks. When test filming, all of the crew's equipment was stolen. The director got Lyme disease and injured his leg. A few days before shooting, the original location at the base was closed due to the risk of collapsing tunnels. Several hard drives crashed. And 3 flooding's destroyed much of the crew's equipment.

User reviews



FF has a lot of haters, so to get that out of the way, yes it's the "shaky camera" found footage type of horror/sci-fi movie.

I personal love Found Footage movies. I find them intense.

This movie was decent, kept me awake all the way through to see what happens.

It's not original in any way. The cast even talks about the Blair Witch Project. This movie is basically a Blair Witch Project except with aliens.

Four people (I think they were shooting a movie or show) are dropped off and left out in the northern woods of Sweden. You can pretty much guess what happens from here on out. They hear noises, one guy disappears, and then they encounter the aliens.

As with all FF films, the phones can't reach help. And they forgot to bring GPS.

If you can manage to overlook all these unoriginal flaws, the ride the movie takes you on isn't half bad.



Yes, I admit it, I'm a sucker for found-footage, as long as it's been done well. I loved "Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity", for instance. I had high hopes for this film and in some ways it was pretty good - it had some tension though it could have been scarier. But what disappointed me was that it over-explained, instead of letting the viewer sort it out for him or herself. I like having a puzzle that I need to work out from the clues. This film didn't content itself with clues - it told you explicitly what was happening - where's the fun in that? And that also made for no surprises and no real scares. Overheard conversations and explanatory audio tapes don't leave much to the imagination. Which made the ending credits all the more inexplicable - after being led by the nose through much of the film, I was scanning the clips between the credits trying to work out what was going on. I think I know, but the end result was that I went from being told too much, to something that didn't make a lot of sense.