» » Прощение (1992)

Прощение (1992) Online

Прощение (1992) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Year :
Directror :
Nikolay Lyrchikov
Cast :
Vyacheslav Shalevich,Viktor Konisevich,Yelena Polevaya
Writer :
Sergei Lyrchikov
Type :
Rating :
Прощение (1992) Online

Credited cast:
Vyacheslav Shalevich Vyacheslav Shalevich
Viktor Konisevich Viktor Konisevich
Yelena Polevaya Yelena Polevaya
Mayya Bulgakova Mayya Bulgakova
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Lyudmila Gladunko Lyudmila Gladunko
Afanasi Kochetkov Afanasi Kochetkov
Aleksandr Korzhenov Aleksandr Korzhenov
Dmitri Krylov Dmitri Krylov
Pavel Kulakov Pavel Kulakov
Elena Makhonina Elena Makhonina
Dmitri Paleyev-Barmansky Dmitri Paleyev-Barmansky
Viktor Pavlovsky Viktor Pavlovsky
Yuriy Shlykov Yuriy Shlykov

User reviews



One young girl is pregnant. She and he are very poor, but they're offered to sell their child to another couple of very decent people. The fellow receives the suggestion, but the girl doesn't. Finally she agrees for saving the relationships with her young man, but she dies after the birth of her son. Years passed. That young man became wealthy. He returns to Russia after Perestroyka and learns that the decent man has became a miserable drinker... The film doesn't have a common happy end but it makes you think about the moral, about what is good, and who is good. The film makes you cry.