Momotaro no umiwashi (1943) Online

Featuring the "Peach Boy", character of Japanese folklore, the film is aimed at children, telling the story of a naval unit consisting of the human Momotarô and several animal species representing the Far Eastern races fighting together for a common goal. In a dramatization of the attack on Pearl Harbor, this force attacks the demons at the island of Onigashima (representing the Americans and British demonized in Japanese propaganda), and the film also utilizes actual footage of the Pearl Harbor attack.
Bluto, from the Popeye cartoons being produced in America at the time, makes an appearance in this film as a stereotypical drunk. This is one of few examples of the Axis nations using American cartoon characters to portray the United States in animated films, just as the Allied forces used Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito, as well as Nazis and Japanese soldiers in their propaganda films.
Considered by scholars to be Japan's first full length anime feature film.
Was created as war-time propaganda to promote the Japanese cause for WWII. The film combined animated characters from the famous folklore Momotaro and real footage from the attack of Pearl Harbor.