» » Montreal Writer (2002)

Montreal Writer (2002) Online

Montreal Writer (2002) Online
Original Title :
Montreal Writer
Genre :
Movie / Documentary / Short / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Seth Mendelson
Cast :
Antonio Di Thomasis,Seth Mendelson
Type :
Time :
Rating :

It's 4am. Do you know who's watching your door?

Montreal Writer (2002) Online

Antonio is a 64-year-old night doorman. He opens the door as people walk into a downtown Montreal apartment building. Antonio is also a celebrated children's author and illustrator. Montreal Writer chronicles Antonio's exploits as a chain-smoking night-shift doorman, and as a writer, illustrator, philosopher and family man. Montreal Writer is not only a documentary about a man; it is a film about life, dreams and ambition.
Credited cast:
Antonio Di Thomasis Antonio Di Thomasis - Himself