» » Designated (2010)

Designated (2010) Online

Designated (2010) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Action / Crime / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Heather Hemmens
Cast :
Braxton Davis,Vivan Dugré,Bart Fletcher
Writer :
Stephen L. Stafford
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Designated (2010) Online

He was supposed to make sure everyone made it home alive.
Credited cast:
Braxton Davis Braxton Davis - Officer Phelps
Vivan Dugré Vivan Dugré - Michelle
Bart Fletcher Bart Fletcher - Cliff
Pamela Holt Pamela Holt - Officer Tillotson
Andrew McReynolds Andrew McReynolds - Gunman
Anthony Porembski Anthony Porembski - Kyle
Russell Sams Russell Sams - Nate

User reviews



I didn't know what to expect when I started the film, but it drew me in almost immediately. I'm not a big fan of short films. Not a big fan of artsy type films, I view most shorts as artsy. The few shorts I have seen have been exactly that, short. And for good reason. This film feels like a portion of a major, full length film. Made me want to see more. Great set up, great acting. Great ending, totally unexpected. Hope the writer and producer can either make accompanying films or expand this into a full length motion picture. Either way, I'll be watching. I know this is the film makers debut film and he has hit it out of the park. Great stepping stone for an up and coming film maker. I am looking forward to many more films from Mr. Stafford. Conratulations on your film.