» » Mr. Hush (2010)

Mr. Hush (2010) Online

Mr. Hush (2010) Online
Original Title :
Mr. Hush
Genre :
Movie / Horror
Year :
Directror :
David Lee Madison
Cast :
Brad Loree,Edward X. Young,Stephen Geoffreys
Writer :
David Lee Madison
Budget :
Type :
Time :
1h 25min
Rating :

How does a man react when he loses everything he loves? MR. HUSH has an answer: with brutal, terrifying violence. A frightening throwback to the slasher films of the 1980s, this is a classic horror flick that is hard to shake.

Mr. Hush (2010) Online

How does a man react when he loses everything he loves? MR. HUSH has an answer: with brutal, terrifying violence. A frightening throwback to the slasher films of the 1980s, this is a classic horror flick that is hard to shake.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Brad Loree Brad Loree - Holland Price
Edward X. Young Edward X. Young - Mr. Hush
Stephen Geoffreys Stephen Geoffreys - Stark
Steve Dash Steve Dash - Mac
Jessica Cameron Jessica Cameron - Julie
Connie Giordano Connie Giordano - Debbie
Thomas J. Churchill Thomas J. Churchill - Sheriff Churchill
Tim Dougherty Tim Dougherty - Donald
Alexis Lauren Alexis Lauren - Kat
Colleen Cohan Colleen Cohan - Grandma
Brian O'Halloran Brian O'Halloran - Vinny
Megan Heckman Megan Heckman - Amy
Mike Marino Mike Marino - Maddog Morales
Vanessa Romanelli Vanessa Romanelli - Victim
Thomas Warnock Thomas Warnock - Bartender

Edward X. Young wore his own priest outfit.

The character of Holland Price was named after both Tom Holland and Vincent Price.

Edward X. Young's father Edward A. Young appears as an extra in a scene set in a restaurant.

Stephen Geoffreys designed his own costume.

Edward X. Young shaved off his trademark beard and mustache to play the title character in this film.

The scene at the sheriff's office was shot in a couple of hours.

Filmmaker Thomas J. Churchill, who Produced Mr Hush plays Sheriff Church.

Mr. Hush is the second time that writer, director David Lee Madison had worked with his childhood friend. They collaborated on Thomas J. Churchill's film EP: The Emerging Past, where David Lee Madison serves as a producer.

User reviews



this movie is something else, just when you thought you seen the worst film possible you can watch this and regret losing out on 85 or so minutes of your life.

this thing blows from start to finish and you wonder why you wasted so much time watching this only to remember that you seen everything else and you hate infomercials even more. were talking super cheesy lines with amazingly bad acting. when it comes down to it, blame the director, producer and writer. the actors did it for the paycheck the others were the ones who thought this was a good idea.

do not watch, you will become more stupid after watching this movie.


A man searching for ten years for the killer of his wife and kidnapper of his child, finds him but not in the way he is hoping.

The 'mystery' of who or what Mr. Hush is can be guessed within the first eleven minutes into the film and only that long before he doesn't even show up until then 10 minute mark. That's 10 agonizing minutes of nothing happening. The only thing more dreadfully boring then those first ten minutes is the remaining part of the film. For extra masochistic points one could even stay after the credits for even more of this awful film, but I don't think anyone other then me would be that self-loathing as to do something as silly as that.

My Grade: F


We rented this because it was listed as a "horror" movie. The only thing more horrifying that the movie was the fact that I lost that much time of my life watching it and will never get it back. Every 5 minutes the story line shifts and you're like WTF just happened? The actors seemed like they were in a bad porn film. The story line was awful. The bad guy (Mr. Hush, who is never really revealed as such, but you kinda guess it from watching it) was as cheesy as they come. If this had been more of a "scary movie" type of genre, I could understand it. The makeup at the end was like something you'd see at Party City at Halloween. Low budget. Bad bad bad. I laughed for like 2 hours after watching this, mostly because we were both so angry we had watched it from start to finish! I would seriously like for Redbox to refund my money - it was that bad. In the future I will definitely read the reviews before randomly renting a movie from them.


I understand that the film fell apart to a lot of people.. However I believe that certain editing/ cinematography fixtures could have saved what some consider "a terrible, god awful film." This being one of the lowest ratings let me discuss what was good, what was bad, and what could have been good.

Firstly what was good was the concepts, the main character played by Brad Loree(Michael Myers in the eighth installment of Halloween) who has been trying constantly to make amends to a victimized past and trying to rebuild, that in of itself is a good start. Some of the acting as far as Steve Dash (the first person to portray Jason Voorhess as a killer), Ed Young who portrayed Mr. Hush and a handful of side characters was able to keep the plot rolling and keep an audience in their seats. Some of the Make-Up Effects (including the throat slash done by Ed Young himself) were stellar. Lastly the revealing the villain as a vampire in a slasher inspired film is definitely an interesting take.

Now to what was bad. Brad Loree had some very sore spots when he was in his spotlight; that all the more kind of took this out of the spotlight. Sadly a lot of your key actors (mainly the second love interest, the children, the lackey) really tore the seams out from this production. On top of that, the reveal that Mr. Young's character was a vampire trying to destroy the main character's bloodline was poorly executed as well as the make-up that was used. Lastly the cinematography was all over the place, between catching very key scenes of action at the worst angles and the shaking camera movement, that tore the film a new one. However in scenes in the restaurant, kitchen, houses, etc. That could have made this so much better. While talking the filming at the worst possible angles, the scene with using the chainsaw and catching the chain-less bar at the worst angles.

But to what could have made this film so much better. Doing a few takes and r-shooting scenes. That in of itself could have saved this. Editing really tore the fabric of this film and that had some ability to save this production as well. The vampire make-up itself could have been done better and well within budget probably made the ending of the film a jump rather than a laughable moment. Lastly, whoever did the sound and score should ultimately be replaced. I feel that the film could have been saved all the more without a sound system that didn't feedback per every scream and that the score was better blended.

To conclude this, I feel that this film had a lot of thought and potential, but that so many fixable errors doomed something that could have been so good!!!


This is nearly unwatchable, and anyone that gives it over 3 stars is clearly an actor in the film, a family member of one of the actors, the director, or made the mistake of funding the film and is trying to get their money back by bumping the IMDb score.

While I fully support independent films, this is film is poorly conceived on many levels. If you can get past the poor acting, cinematography, plot, directing, audio engineering, and vomit invoking lines... your still left with a film where you just don't care what happens, except to see just how ridiculous it gets. My core question, did they bother to take multiple takes or was this a "first take only" kind of film (aka, "dude, that first take might work... NEXT!"). Finally, the monologuing was completely over the top. No offense, but if you killed my wife and my girlfriend, I wouldn't let you blabber on about my grandfather... I'd just bash you with a bat and try to get out of the house.

One of the worst parts:

The "dream sequence," or whatever the heck that was, between Holland Price (Brad Loree) and his grandmother (~1 hour in) nearly made me want to destroy my TV. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? Also, the last 10 minutes is just laughable... as it's clear they simply gave up. I'm sure someone will say, "Oh, you just didn't get it." To that, you are wrong. It just didn't make sense. If that mess you call a movie was an attempt at horror, or a horror comedy, or something else, you missed on every mark.

The one bright spot was Alexis Lauren, she did a good job and I could see her surviving this film and going on to do other things.

Don't forget to watch the final credits as they actually had the guts to leave a sequel open? My vote, don't do it.


Holland Price has an idyllic life until one fateful Halloween night when a mysterious stranger arrives to murder his wife and kidnap his daughter. Ten years after Holland's life spiraled out of control, he's finally beginning to pick up the pieces when the nefarious Mr. Hush returns.

Okay, I get the hate for this movie. On many levels it's amateurish - the performances are all either stilted or totally over-the-top, the tone is uneven, the sound fluctuations are jarring, the editor lingered too long on shots to pad the running time, and continuity is less than continuous. That said, I've seen a lot worse crap than this (I could easily name 10 off the top of my head... and bit-player Brian O'Halloran appeared in two of 'em).

If you can forgive the many shortcomings, there's actually a lot to admire about this offbeat little flick. For starters, there's the story, which is fairly well-crafted despite some unnecessary scenes and redundant dialogue. There's decent misdirection going on which makes the big twist work - even if you think it might be going there (as I did), you don't quite expect it when it does. For fans of the cast (most of whom appeared in popular horror movies), there are dozens of sneaky references to their other films. And though the tone gets a bit too schmaltzy at times, when it's being playful, it's a helluva lot of fun. The film tries to be something unique and certainly succeeds on that level.

This is the type of movie which probably plays best with a large audience of 30-to-40-something horror fans who are in on the jokes. If that's not you, then this definitely ain't your movie!


Do not waste your time on this one. Characters are cardboard, the story takes 45 minutes to really get started (except for one quick kill, it's really dull to that point), and even then it doesn't amount to much.

I'm not sure why the villain is called Mr. Hush. There's some kind of multi-generational revenge theme that isn't even mentioned until the last 15 minutes or so,and a dream sequence -- which comes out of nowhere -- is filmed exactly like everything else in the movie. That is, there's no transition, no fuzzy lens, no mist, no indication that it *isn't* just footage that was spliced in at the wrong place. And let's not forget the tedious halfway-through-the-credits epilogue that makes no sense whatsoever.

I streamed this one, and the online description referred to it as "a throwback to '80s slasher films." It isn't. As another reviewer posted, "Mr. Hush" lacks a fearsome villain, has absolutely no jiggle factor, includes no over-the-top gore or imaginative kills...all things that are staples of the genre.

"Throwback," indeed. This one should have been thrown back where it came from.


This a hard one to review for me because I personally know one of the actresses in the movie: Jessica Cameron. She was going to be on a film we were making around the same time she was making this one but I think she pulled out to make this one. I'm not sure. Since then, she was excited to work on a project that I'm about to start in the next year. I know she was promoting Mr. Hush pretty hard, and I only recently got a chance to watch it. Oh man.....

It started off with a little promise. The directing was a little awful but I liked the camera they used. The camera man couldn't hold it worth a crud at times, but it was passable. Also the editing sucked too, okay so everything behind the scenes wasn't up to par! But I liked the acting! Jessica did well with her part, even with her awful lines, she was able to deliver it as convincing as she could. The actor who looked like Thomas Hayden Church seemed pretty good.

Then Mr. Hush came dressed up as Father Flannigan and everything went to crap. He ends up holding a knife to Jessica's throat as Thomas Hayden Church goes into defensive stance. There's no build up, no suspense, it just happens. Then nothing but hammy acting is displayed and everyone's acting ability and common sense goes out the window.

Then for some reason Thomas Hayden Church starts to look like Jeff Bridges and it just felt like a series of events were happening. Nothing in the movie seems like it was connecting to each other and the bad guys seem so hammy, I almost went out for a honey glazed ham at Kroger! It's that bad! Then I don't know what this film was supposed to be: a horror or a comedy? The last fifteen minutes of the film just seemed so out of place, and so laughable, and it was like the film stopped trying to take itself seriously... like it was a parody of itself.

I don't know how this got distribution or the appearance of Dante from Clerks into this, but I guess this could be a study film for aspiring filmmakers. It's an independent film and should be looked at as such. It's not the worst film I've ever seen, but I guess it's good to laugh at with your friends. My friends got bored, and they forced me to shut it off after fifteen minutes. I should have shown them the last.


I was mad that i wasted a dollar to rent it but what made me madder is the 2 hours taken from me to watch. no plot, no continuity, you could care less about the characters, I believe the smart ones wanted to die early to get out of the movie. couldn't figure out what was supposed to draw me in to keep me interested, and it wasn't even bad enough to be funny! and of course they tortured me with a possible sequel segment at the end of the movie, I knew I should have shut it off when the credits started, what was I thinking? i was probably to numb to think. not scary. not funny. not engaging. OK i need to say more to submit this request. watch dead broke it is a very good movie comparatively a who done it movie that keeps you guessing


What a waste of an hour and half! The camera work was so shaky I got motion sickness(maybe it was the acting), the shots were so close every time the characters shifter a little the camera would move up down or sideways. I guess you could turn this movie into a drinking game, every time Holland screams you drink- might last 5 minutes. If you watch this don't blame me. Gotta add more lines so this will post Bad Movie Really Bad! The only thing I liked about it was they filmed near my old home, Stroudsburg and the woods were nice I feel bad for anyone else that watches this. The actor that plays the lead Holland has a very nice acting/stunt resume wonder if he can keep this one off? I think I have enough. Text to post
Zeks Horde

Zeks Horde

I'm a self proclaimed massive fan of terrible horrible horror movies. Truly. Nothing I enjoy more than some crappy acting and unnecessary B- grade special effects.

That being said, this movie was just too much for me. Its just too bad. I can't even handle it.

I'm literally 15 minutes into watching it on netflix right now and I can't quite make myself turn it off. I don't know why. Its not even as intriguing as watching a train wreck.

I'd prefer a marathon of Asylum films to this. Its just not good. Its just.... not.

So don't even bother. It looks interesting enough from the general cover and description, but even as a lover of bad acting this was just too much for me.
White gold

White gold

this was probably one of the worst b-horror movies i've ever seen. The acting was terrible, the script sucked and the costumes and make-up looked like something I'd dress up my five year old niece in. To say it was below average would be an understatement. My gf got this movie with a promotional code from red box and I still wanted money back after watching this crap. If i wanted to sum up this movie, Id say that it was a porno like movie without the sex ;(. The main character was dressed up like count chocula, and the main character was pathetic and seemed like he had some type of mental disability the entire movie or maybe that was just the bad acting. I implore anybody who thinks about watching this movie to stay far, far away. Mr. Hush should be thrown into the abyss of worst horror movies ever created.


This movie ( horror) is the worst so called scary movie I have ever seen. If I could give it a 0.5 instead of a 1 I would. It is not scary, and the acting is horrible. I rented it from the video store and returned it and wanted my money back,. I am a horror movie fan, having seen hundreds of scary movies and usually don't write reviews, giving my opinion but this movie was just so bad. It could easily be in the top 10 of worst horror movies ever. It made no sense. As I watched the movie I was hoping that it would get better and a little scary but neither happened, it just got worse. The box cover and the brief summary of the movie is very deceiving, the movie is so bad on many levels. I would never, ever recommend this movie to anyone.


I couldn't believe how stupid this movie was; I really thought there would be a twist to it that would make it at least a decent film, but it just played out as if the director and writer had been lobotomized.

All they needed to do was make Mr. Hush a multiple personality of the idiot father, and he had hallucinated the priest killing his family, or something like that, but no, this thing played out as a straight plot! I don't give movies a one if they have bad production values, or a few bad actors, or a low budget, but this one looked okay, and had what seemed like poor acting, which I thought was going to be redeemed by the fact that the father was really a psycho killer. All you can really feel is pity for anyone involved in this film.


Just started watching MR HUSH on Netflix I Im not sure where to begin..Maybe how the main character (Brad Loree) kept blocking the camera shots when he was giving out the Halloween candy. or how the camera would go in and out of focus at certain points in the film Mr Hush and his sidekick, Igor Jr.played their parts like they were auditioning for Brokeback Mountain The kills (there aren't many) were horrible (as in bad) and the girl who played Kat looked like she was reading them off a teleprompter and trying to translate them from Swahili to English before she said them. all in all I give it 4 stars out of five JUST KIDDING!!


I saw that this is advertised as a 80's type slasher, so I tuned in. The acting and the wife's clothing reminded me of the artificial acting in Mullholland Drive. In that movie, the artificiality served to separate the main character's fake life from her real life.

Here it was lack of knowledge about what natural acting is. The lines were sprightly spoken and emphasized. It so reminded me of watching plays put on by middle school students.

The wife was a modern day June Cleaver. Dressed perfectly and with coordinating dress and sweater to bake cookies. Perfect makeup that changed with the scenes (where was continuity?). High heels.

The daughter had an odd habit of looking off screen before speaking. I guess she was being fed her lines or something.

Maybe this kind of stilted acting would have worked if the plot was interesting.


I just watched this movie for the second & third time today back to back with the commentary on for the third viewing. I'm GLAD I watched the commentary. I was only going to give it 7 stars. Having learned more about the film listening to the David Lee Madison & Edward X. Young commentary I decided to bump it up to 8. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Madisdon at the Wilson College Horror Film Fest in Chambersburg, PA. I attended the festival in support of another locally produced movie which I was involved with called "HogMaul: The Legend of Abrams County". The other movie I was excited for was "Mr. Hush". It didn't disappoint me. What disappoints me is the horrible reviews it got. In my opinion, from start to finish, it is without a doubt, a solid story with pure imagination involved. For Brad Loree's first leading man role, I was impressed. All actors really gave it all they had and then some. David Lee Madison used some very impressive shots in just involving the scenery alone to keep his vision very clean and clear. Mr. Hush has some of the corniest happy family moments I've ever seen to concrete the importance of the tragedies that lie ahead. Also, it is a story I've never seen before. Which is very refreshing. On many levels this film pays true homage to the Horror genre. In just the ending alone, it is easy to see how "tongue-in-cheek" this flick's design is. It is a work of art, people. There is a lot to keep in mind when viewing a film. As, there is a lot to keep in mind when creating one. Hecklers- go make your own damn movie. *prosit* Tombie Stuller p.s. Steve Dash is friggin' hilarious!


The first time I saw John Carpenter's "Dark Star", I hated it ... thought it was miserable. That was because I took the film seriously. Once I realized that Carpenter meant for "Dark Star" to be a farce, I got it. David Madison's "Mr. Hush", though not necessarily meant to be a farce, persay, it definitely is not meant to be taken seriously. The intent was not to make a film that fills your mind with terror and dread. He had fun with the 80s-style teen horror film (i.e. Fright Night, Lost Boys, etc.). The drama was overacted, the villain was campy ... that is what Madison emulated. The only difference, and I think this is probably the biggest flaw in the film, he doesn't give the audience a clue. There are other issues that I have ... there are some sound problems, and in a few places the film seems to loose its arc. However, Mr. Hush is very entertaining. It is not meant to scare you ... though, there are definitely moments of suspense. Madison assembled a great cast and put forth a good effort. For an indie film, I liked it. I watch literally dozens of indie horror films per year and write reviews for HorrorHound Magazine. A lot of what I see comes from dedicated horror fans who, unfortunately, don't really understand film. David Madison in NO WAY fits into this category. I look very forward to his next project and recommend "Mr. Hush" for those who enjoy low- budget, indie horror.


Upstanding family man Holland Price (a solid and likable performance by Brad Loree) has both his wife and daughter taken away from him by mysterious psychotic stranger Mr. Hush (deliciously played with lip-smacking evil relish by Edward X. Young). In the wake of this tragedy Holland decides to move to another town to star a new life for himself. However, Mr. Hush shows up again to further torment Holland. Writer/director David Lee Madison relates the engrossing story at a steady pace, takes time to develop the credible true-to-life characters, grounds the fantastic premise in a believable sleepy small town reality, neatly captures a fun'n'festive Halloweenish ooga-booga atmosphere, and tops everything off with a wickedly funny sense of campy pitch-black humor. Moreover, Lee Madison warrants extra praise for downplaying special effects in favor of focusing instead on the plot and characters. Stephen Geoffreys delivers a delightfully manic turn as Mr. Hush's pathetic cackling lackey Stark. In addition, there are sturdy thespic contributions from Jessica Cameron as Holland's sweet wife Julie, Connie Giordano as the perky Debbie, Alexis Lauren as spunky teenager Kat, Tim Dougherty as Holland's loyal pal Donald, and Thomas J. Churchill as the earnest Sheriff Churchill. Brian O'Halloran of "Clerks" fame has an amusing small part at the very end. Cinematographer Jack Schaefer's expert use of a hand-held camera provides an extra kinetic buzz. Marco Werba's elegant shivery score does the spine-tingling trick. A cool little fright flick.


Independent film makers seem to be overloading the horror genre with tired zombie flicks and torture porn, so when something original like Mr.Hush comes along; it is like a breath of fresh air. The film is unique in that it marries contemporary scares with the long missed over the top campiness of the great horror films of the 70's and 80's. Our hero Holland Price (Brad Loree) is visited by our villain Mr. Hush (Edward X. Young) on a dark Halloween night in 2000, which starts the cycle of events that comprise the film. We are then brought back to present day, where the final showdown between the two ends with a surprise twist. As this is a low budget horror film it has its misses, but the hits far exceed them. Performances by Stephen Geoffreys (Evil Ed in Fright Night), Brad Loree (Michael Myers, Resurrection), and Steve Dash (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th 2) really stand out in a fun over the top kind of way. As a whole the film delivers scares, laughs, and a wild twist at the end; that makes Mr. Hush a solid popcorn B-Horror movie effort. If you are looking for gratuitous violence, and torture this is not for you. Stay thru the end credits for a great stinger with Clerks star Brian O'Halloran!