» » O Capacete Dourado (2007)

O Capacete Dourado (2007) Online

O Capacete Dourado (2007) Online
Original Title :
O Capacete Dourado
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Jorge Cramez
Cast :
Eduardo Frazão,Ana Moreira,Rogério Samora
Writer :
Rui Catalão,Jorge Cramez
Budget :
Type :
Time :
1h 23min
Rating :
O Capacete Dourado (2007) Online

The darkness of night, a barely lit place, motorbikes flirting with danger: a group of teenagers at a crossroads playing chicken with unaware passing cars.Jota (Eduardo Frazão) stands out from this group, unclassifiable; his destiny has no straight lines save those on the asphalt.Jota lives in permanent conflict with everything and everybody in his small town. No room for stillness. And then comes Margarida (Ana Moreira). Jota has no inside, Margarida has no outside. In spite of, or because of, that, they meet. What can they do? They can just ride, they can get away with it even if its all messed up. Love is to be lived.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Eduardo Frazão Eduardo Frazão - J
Ana Moreira Ana Moreira - Margarida
Rogério Samora Rogério Samora - Trindade
Alexandre Pinto Alexandre Pinto - Rato
Henrique Martins Henrique Martins
Carloto Cotta Carloto Cotta
Jaime Freitas Jaime Freitas
Luís Félix Luís Félix
Marco Cardoso Marco Cardoso
Pedro Teles Pedro Teles
Maria João Nunes Maria João Nunes
Maria João Luís Maria João Luís
Alexandra Lencastre Alexandra Lencastre
Manuel Mozos Manuel Mozos
Teresa Madruga Teresa Madruga

User reviews



Ah, that centuries-old story of two young people falling in love: if done right, the resulting film can be as poetic and beautiful as Before Sunrise; if done wrong... hell, too much crap to list. The Golden Helmet belongs to the second category.

What went awry? How could the film be so dull? It's got all the classic elements: a gang-related male protagonist, a "decent" female lead and an unlikely, inevitably tragic love affair blossoming between them. The script even provides a valid opposition to their bond: the girl's father, a high school principal whose hatred for the boy stems from the fact that it was the latter and his friends who put the man's wife in a hospital bed. How can such a tale fail to stir even the simplest of emotions?

Oh, wait, there is a good reason: the same story has been told countless times since the very birth of cinema, and eight times out of ten the outcome is a predictable, daft picture. The Golden Helmet is supposed to be different since it is, according to the director, based on real events. Oddly, that doesn't show: every scene in the movie screams "teen drama clichè" rather than "true story", especially the downright woeful first encounter, set by a river - plain stupid. It's textbook film-making, professionally executed. Too bad it's also incredibly boring.

Even worse than all that, though, is the "auteurish" open ending: what's the point of having that in a film with no plot?


How about good hold pretentious movies, well if you want it, you got it...

awful script, bad directing, and so dam slow...

the movies is based on a real story about a guy and a girl from guimarães, how tried to kill themselves but could, his rope collapsed, she died, he didn't and then was arrested from involuntary manslaughter.

the main thing is that the movie, although based on that story, as nothing to do with it, it's basically the first 2 weeks when they met.

the script was so bad, that the actors didn't have any space to act. to dam shame...

the main story about the movies, is the golden helmet dude, and his problems, that started when he unintentionally killed his mother, and the girl and her problems with her "abusive" father.

no need seeing it though