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Rätselhafte Geschichte Online

Rätselhafte Geschichte  Online
Original Title :
Forbidden History
Genre :
TV Series / Documentary / History
Cast :
Jamie Theakston,Andrew Gough,Lionel Fanthorpe
Budget :
Type :
TV Series
Rating :
Rätselhafte Geschichte Online

Jamie Theakston attempts to uncover the truth about historical mysteries, ancient relics, hidden treasures, conspiracy theories and lost civilizations. Have these stories been omitted from the history books?
Series cast summary:
Jamie Theakston Jamie Theakston - Himself - Presenter / - 26 episodes, 2013-2018
Andrew Gough Andrew Gough - Himself - Editor, The Heretic Magazine / - 13 episodes, 2013-2016
Lionel Fanthorpe Lionel Fanthorpe - Himself - Author, Mysteries & Secrets of Time / - 12 episodes, 2013-2016
Dallas Harley Jones Dallas Harley Jones - Reenactment 12 episodes, 2013-2014
Andreia Serras Andreia Serras - Reenactment 12 episodes, 2013-2014

User reviews



Pseudo-historic, non-scientific sensationalist garbage where non-experts, non-intellectual spew their garbage. Most of the times I avoid them but just today I decided to give them a chance because there was a topic about a famous German executioner Johann Reichhart, a person with an interesting story I was familiar with. I expected the episode to be over the top, wild, sensationalist and so I prepare myself to endure some stupid statements. But...I couldn't force myself to watch this for more than five minutes. Right from the start, they wanted to present this man as one of the worst monsters that ever lived, they instantly switched to Hitler's era and let mostly average but disturbingly uneducated people to drag on with their wild claims and stupid ideas about how life in Germany was during that time (who cares?. I stopped watching after a woman with bellow-average intelligence started making one irrelevant and silly statement after another with no end in sight. If Hitler's isn't involved, then it isn't interesting, right? 1 star for demonizing a man who had the most unpleasant job ever during a time where such a job was normal (in most of the world) and the method of execution the most humane option available. He didn't deserve it.


A lot of these so called "history documentaries" are part fact but mostly fiction and some do not even have that much facts in them. I kind of have it with people that proclaim they are "historians" while failing basic academic modus operandi.

Do I expect some great academic approach to a topic? Well not completely but if your fumble and fail to use actual sources, it is kind of huge red flag that you are in fact not a historian ( or that your degree comes from a crappy university)

Is it entertaining.. 50-50. Some episodes are OK-ish while others are borderline bad. This program feels more like a promotion stunt for the writers that come on this program than actual informing people. For example: when they are discussing Arthur and ALL of them said that " there was no evidence and that it was all a ruse by the church to get funding blah blah blah". Then a real historian comes to on and SHOWS THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE!!! Manuscripts and books from before the "Arthurian legendary tales" actually were written. I mean if you ignore pretty important evidence like these source materials you clearly have no clue what you are doing and in every academic perspective you are not an academic as such. Is image of Arthur romanticized? Yes, but according to the evidence there was a person called Arthur, who fought many battles against the Saxons.

I would rate this show at a 3/10 because of the factual incorrect ramblings of some of the "experts" who aren't experts. Either you are doing a historical documentary or you are doing fiction. Don't fumble mc stupid it up and get impressionable people confused. You want a great show that is factual accurate AND keeps an open mind when talking to academics, real experts ( not the self-proclaimed drivel this show is having) you should pick Destination Truth and Expedition unknown and even Expedition Mungo. "Forbidden history" is not history it is a farce, put together by writers of fiction who then proclaim to be historians but really aren't.

To watch or not to watch? I would recommend "not watch" unless you want to be bored to tears by the so-called "experts". Lot of flash-words, which means a lot of awe but no substance.