Walter Smithers and his wife prepared to visit her parents in the country. They write the old people a letter that they would like to see them, then start to pack. A girl friend of Mrs. ... See full summary
After the Reward (1912) Online

Walter Smithers and his wife prepared to visit her parents in the country. They write the old people a letter that they would like to see them, then start to pack. A girl friend of Mrs. Smithers drops in and agrees to feed the Smithers' dog while they are away. On the way to the train Smithers stops at the butcher shop and asks Schultz, the proprietor, to take a little meat up to the dog every day. The Smithers arrive at the country place and learn that the old folks have gone to the city to see them. They start back. Meanwhile, the girl friend comes to the Smithers' house to feed the dog, and Schultz, the butcher, does likewise. Owing to a newspaper notice of a strange couple breaking into houses to rob, each thinks the other a thief. The girl manages to chase out, hails a friend and sends her for a policeman. The cop arrives, arrests Schultz and hauls him off to the station. Another cop, seeing the girl trying to leave the back way, grabs her and takes her to the station. Meanwhile,...
Credited cast: | |||
![]() | John Steppling | - | Walter Smithers (unconfirmed) |
![]() | Mildred Weston | - | Ethel |
Rest of cast listed alphabetically: | |||
![]() | Whitney Raymond | - | (unconfirmed) |
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