» » Opportunity Knox (2012)

Opportunity Knox (2012) Online

Opportunity Knox (2012) Online
Original Title :
Opportunity Knox
Genre :
Movie / Short / Action
Year :
Directror :
Travis Demarus Brown
Cast :
Travis Demarus Brown,Reggie Gibbs
Writer :
Travis Demarus Brown
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Opportunity Knox (2012) Online

Simon Knox is just an average "joe" living in the "someday" syndrome of "someday" making it big. His dreams finally come true when he accidentally discovers that $1 million dollars has mysteriously shown up in his bank account! Now with more cash than he ever dream of he goes all out spending BIG! But when Alfredo Fettuccine, a notorious underground mob boss, lays claim to the cash, Simon is left one only one ultimatum...get the cash back or else.
Credited cast:
Travis Demarus Brown Travis Demarus Brown - Detective
Reggie Gibbs Reggie Gibbs - Simon Knox