» » The Murder Man

The Murder Man Online

The Murder Man  Online
Original Title :
The Murder Man
Genre :
Movie / Short / Sci-Fi
Directror :
David John,Robert John
Cast :
Nicholas Riggall,Catherine Lerza,Eric Nahinu
Budget :
Type :
Rating :
The Murder Man Online

In the future, if you have nothing to provide to society, you are murdered. A man making the decision is shown what it's like to do something you love, instead of something that's necessary.
Cast overview:
Nicholas Riggall Nicholas Riggall - Phillip
Catherine Lerza Catherine Lerza - Lisa
Eric Nahinu Eric Nahinu - Roger
Shai'La Yvonne Shai'La Yvonne - Edith
Steve Cozart Steve Cozart - Deacon