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Tucker Online

Tucker  Online
Original Title :
The Situation with Tucker Carlson
Genre :
TV Series / News / Talk Show
Cast :
Tucker Carlson,Pat Buchanan,Willie Geist
Type :
TV Series
Time :
Rating :
Tucker Online

Series cast summary:
Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson - Himself - Host 8 episodes, 2005-2008
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan - Himself 3 episodes, 2005-2007
Willie Geist Willie Geist - Himself 3 episodes, 2006-2008
Al Sharpton Al Sharpton - Himself 2 episodes, 2005-2008
Max Kellerman Max Kellerman - Himself 2 episodes, 2005
Sam Seder Sam Seder - Himself 2 episodes, 2006
A.B. Stoddard A.B. Stoddard - Herself 2 episodes, 2007-2008
Ed Schultz Ed Schultz - Himself 2 episodes, 2007
David Shuster David Shuster - Himself 2 episodes, 2007
Michael Smerconish Michael Smerconish - Himself - Guest Host 2 episodes, 2007

User reviews



Tuckers luck! After the spin zone was bumped from CNN's schedule he was scooped up and was a regular host on the highly rated show "cross-fire". However, despite it being a regular show on CNN for over 17 years management decided that the show was to be axed all together therefore poor Tucker found himself down at the job center.

Interestingly he was snapped up by PBS to host his own show but after a few months probably due to an outcry from horrified liberals the openly conservative found himself back filling unemployment as that show was also binned.

MSNBC (which is in complete disarray by the way) decided that there was a shortage of conservative opinion on cable TV and gave him a prime time slot jammed in between the sarcastic Keith Oberman and the humor less Joe Scarborough.

Tucker has been marketed like a James bond character with a pistol but the reality is he looks more like an Austin Powers caricature with his trademark bow tie. "Sorry Tucker there making a fool of you!" Carlson is obviously intelligent, witty and to be fair does not take a step backwards but he does not have physical presence nor a prominent voice to be taken seriously and is perhaps too excitable as well. By contrast co-host Jay Severin looks like he has taken sleeping pills prior to the show and does not seem to really be tuned in, (which is surprising for a radio talk show host).Neither him nor Rachel Maddow are easy on the eye, which is also another problem; they probably both look better on radio!

In addition and it may not be Carlson fault is that there are just too many conservative talk show hosts on cable TV. O'Reilly is by miles the best, it moves quickly and has energy but "the situation" despite Carlson's best efforts this show does not make the cut! (Advice: fast does not translate to interesting or entertaining). Lastly, O'Reilly like Pat Buchanan looks as if he has come up the hard way while by contrast Carlson looks as if he has had an easy time of it. This is compounded by the fact that Tucker looks and sounds very smug. Although O'Reilly is very arrogant his demeanor connects with red state America that Carlson just can't. He looks too much like a privileged prep schoolboy with a big mouth whose never done a days work! I'll be surprised if it's still on at this time slot or on any where by the autumn!


Nah, Don't stop the MSNBC carnival! Where else can you find so many two-headed ninnies, hustlers, barkers and geeks in one spot? Scarborough, Matthews, Abrams, and last, but not least, Tucker Carlson.

Carlson began his career as a bow-tied little political fabricator, jumping from news show to news show spewing his right-wing diatribe. When MSNBC offered him one job, and it failed, then another, and alas another, he finally shed the bow tie, but he didn't get any better.

Tuckers show is no different than any of the other cable news affairs; we are offered pundits, guests, news clips, headlines and an occasional intentional funny person. The funniest thing EVER on TV was Tucker Carlson's short-lived stint on "Dancing With the Stars" where he proved he couldn't get out of his much loved chair.

MSNBC is in dire need of a programing shake-up, and it should start with the cancellation of "Tucker" and "Morning Joe." Once purged of those two and "Hardball" the station would have only one half of a decent show left to air..."Countdown" with Keith Olbermann, and he is only right about half the time.

No, don't cancel "Tucker"...just move his show to Comedy Central.